cultivation of watermilon



New Member
Hi , this is nag need guidence for cultivation watermilon i have 1 acre Land, please tell me about investment and risk.

water melon cultivation

Dear sir,
water melon cultivation is highly profited these days due to revolution in ice packs and hybrids,
WM requires a hot sunny locations dry weather with abundant sunshine to cultivate and cool nights and hot day helps to improve sugar levels.
soil:-Lighter soils that warm quickly in spring one usually used for early yields.
Season:-Feb-march is the right month of planting.
Varities:- Kiran form syngenta- small size up to 3 kg cost of seed is 33000/kg. IIHR is also having similar variety called Arka Mutu.
Arka aishwarya
Arka ashis
Arka manik
Arka maduhura
Arka jyothi
Sugar baby.

Sevearl private company like Namdhari and several company they have there own varieties
Seed rate:-quarter kg/acare.
Fruit yield:35 to 50 t/ha


KirtiMala naik

Good morning madam,
I'm very thankful you to for Info, can u clarify One thing i dont understand in your Info that small size up to 3 kg cost of Seed is 33000/kg. Don't Mind because I'm new to this field.

Thanks & Regards


Good morning madam,
I'm very thankful you to for Info, can u clarify One thing i dont understand in your Info that small size up to 3 kg cost of Seed is 33000/kg. Don't Mind because I'm new to this field.

Thanks & Regards

To my best of knowledge this means the cost of seed is Rs. 33000/kg and bears fruits which is of small size and weighing around 3 kg per fruit. Generally small size melons are preferable by small urban families which can be consumed fully instead of bulky size which is difficult to store in refrigerators.

Hello sir

yes i meant to say per fresh fruit is 3kg weight.
But seed cost of watermelon as a whole is 33000/kg. especially the hybrids recently developed.


Watermelon seeds

I am looking for watermelon seeds by 25th november for about 7 acres of land. The seeds to provide me ripe fruites in 75-80 days ; I think the requirment may be around 3.5.- 4 Kg . can any one having a good variety of seeds which can produce around 12 kg weighing watermelon seeds provide me with the quote immediately.
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Scientific cultivation of watermelon for friend Pandudu

since you say you are having one acre land do carefully plan your watermelon crop. Some tips for you
Seed rate per acre is 600 grams.May be 250-300 grams in some case depending upon the hybrid you use.
Spacing is -1.5 mtr by 0.6 mtr
plant population is - 4444 plants/ acre that means 4444 viable plants per acre
Each plant is allowed to bear 2-3 fruits based on the field condition say soil fetility and irrigation water etc.
Weight of each fruit is expected to be around 3-4 kgs on an average
Yield per acre is around - 25-30 mts
Income per acre around - Rs.1.75 -2.1 lac @ Rs.7/kg in 60-70 days.

Provided you follow all technical nuances as detailed below

1.raise seedlings in protray with rooting proper rooting medium
2.use not only chemical fertilizers but you supplement it with bio fertilizers like azospyrillum , phosphobacteria, and bio pesticide like pseudomonas and compost, neem cake etc.
3.foliar application of panchakavya and 19 all fertilizers 3-4 days before transplanting in the main field.
4.Planting only healthy seedlings in the main field
5. Spraying of ethrel @ 250 ppm at 15,22,29 and 36 th days after transplanting to increase female flowers set in plants
6.leaving only 2-3 viable fruits per vine and removing other weak fruits from the plants
7. Remove additional sprouts from each plant so as to direct available nutrients and photosynthate to developing fruits only
8.In addition to soil application of fertilizers do foliar spray with humic acid mixed with sea weed extract 2 times just before flowering
9.spray either neem oil or neem seed kernal extract along with other synthetic pesticide to control pest ..need based application only

Then see you are getting on an average Rs.1,00,000 per acre after deducting cost of cultivation which may be calculated to be around Rs.75,000 with provision to higher seed cost.
The water melon crop comes to maturity in 60 days ie, 2 months
Your per month income is Rs.50,000 equal to the salary of senior software engineer in any software industry.

Then you dig a pit around the corner of the field and place all harvested water melon plants in the pit , add little cow dung , quarter bag of superphosphate, 5 kgs of urea cover it with top soil or coe dung again, sprinkle water over it . In over 2 months period you will get enriched compost which you can use for further cultivation of other remunerative crops.

How do you feel now?

Go ahead and keep your smiling face always...

Good luck my dear friend !


Hi brother ram u r so grt thanks for your instructions. can u please clarify wt is the right Time for watermilon cultivation, and is there any other options for me which i can cultivate in One acre Land, Trust me brother iam really fedup with my present Job. now i want to start my new Life in agriculture with Minimum good returns & Full of satisfaction.

Watermelon cultivation in 1 Acre

Hi brother ram u r so grt thanks for your instructions. can u please clarify wt is the right Time for watermilon cultivation, and is there any other options for me which i can cultivate in One acre Land, Trust me brother iam really fedup with my present Job. now i want to start my new Life in agriculture with Minimum good returns & Full of satisfaction.

Dear Mr.Friend !

Sorry for delayed response. I was bit busy in my assignment .

Dont worry hereafter ...

Right season for watermelon cultivation is November - December...

However now private companies have developed varieties for cultivation in other months of the year say, may-June also

The principle is that watermelon require moderate temperature and less water just to moist top few centimeter of soil in increased frequency...

Excessive moisture and extreme temperature is it will affect ..pollination..flowering and fruiting...

Also will invite pest and disease ...

So well drained soil with significant quantity of organic matter in soil is must..

See one acre of land is enough for you can bestow much of your attention on one acre crop stand and can harvest bumper yield ...

Further in due course of time you will learn how to do commercial Agriculture...

You will learn about relay cropping..Mixed cropping..multi cropping in the same piece of land ..with high cropping intensity and cost benefit ratio...

What You need to do is follow market linked cultivation...should not do it for passion..unless otherwise you are sound in finance right now..

Here is a true story happened in Mysore district ..almost same case as that of you but nature of problem was bit different..

It was during the year 1992..

One Mr.Ravi and other Mr.Norman de souza were working in a private textile mill which I do not want to disclose here in this public a matter of decency..

One morning they were thrown away from job for some nuisance ...happened with some miscreants ... these two gentlemen were made scapegoat of ...and held responsible..

Not being allowed inside their home , they wandered in the street without food for two days...

My friend Mr.Murali helped them get 5 acres of land for lease arranged thro' bank loan...with some humane negotiation and understanding with the bank manager who was really helpful for their project upon having heard about their pitiful life ...

without knowing about sugarcane , these two person started growing sugarcane of the variety Co 62175 ..learning by doing things..cared about the sugarcane crop like their own child..followed all the packages without fail..

whenever insect pest attacked they went to the person concerned..took timely action..

when going around the field daily if they come cross any plant dying somewhere in the field , they would immediately replace with another healthy seedlings..found out the cause of mortality..and be prepared to tackle same problem when arise next time..

For their hard work they could harvest 100 MT of sugarcane while neighbor got just 63 MT per acre...

Repaid their bank loan...their sincerity allowed the bank manager to sanction further crop loan without surety this time..

In about next 3 years they took another 50 acres of land for lease..worked hard..earned millions of rupees..

Part of their profit they invested in some other lucrative business..

Now these two gentlemen are multimillionaire..providing job for many persons now..

If they had continued as employee now they would have been living in same drudgery ..

So you need not worry for what happened to you..your brain is a big capital for you now..properly invest your brain and another 5 years time you will shine like star...bright morning star..

Hope you come up well in your new endeavor..



Dear Ramu,

Please let me know that which type of seed variety you are talking about.

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Watermelon varieties

Dear Ramu,

Please let me know that which type of seed variety you are talking about.


Dear sir,
I am talking about watermelon varieties like vishal, kiran...also mithula, rhea,...

Kiran seeds cost around rs.30,000 to 33,000 thousands and vishal bit higher than kiran..because of taste and size find market in Delhi, jaipur, Ahmadabad, bombay etc...

Other variety like NS 295 Namdhari are also being cultivated in karnataka and tamilnadu...

Namdhari seed cost around Rs.4000-5000 and seed rate recommended is 1.5 kg/ ha

where as in case of high cost hybrids like kiran and vishal ( yellow color fruit) the seed rate is 500-600 grams/ha..

when high cost seeds are being sown..extra care must be taken to raise seedlings in protray under shadenet house...then transplant established healthy and quality seedlings in the main field both to maintain crop stand as well as healthy crops..



Watermelon cultivation in 1 Acre

dear ramu sir
who will spend money for your"long essay writing"
come to practical life..pls

Dear Nambiar !

Please understand first that Ramu is not a business man like a nostradamus to make money out of ass, telling story about labour research and consultancy & global warming.

What Ramu is posting in this Agriculture forum is a fact.

It is a reality happening with the watermelon farmers...

Ramu sir does not know how to write a long essay like one you used to write about labor consultancy and global warming..

If you do not know about watermelon farming, better you scratch your ass under a shade tree all thro' day ..but dont expect to teach others on things which you never know...

we also happened to read a big story about your high handedness , written by Mr.Mathew few days back and come to know much about your play..

Many of our colleagues are working in and around your place of business.. we heard lot about you...please keep your play elsewhere..

We are dignified person always willing to serve those farmers who really need our service free of cost...

If you are competent enough and technically sound then dare challenge Ramu sir 's point or in your term " long essay writing.."

Simply teaching about practical life to Ramu sir looks like a behavior of moron who fool around people telling the story of global warming to the standard of Kyoto protocol..

Further we know how practical you were in charging fees from people in the name of labour consultancy ...sometimes threatening people over phone..

But we request your good self to keep your play elsewhere..

At the same time we welcome your good self to challenge Ramu sir thro sound technical knowledge or any practical experience happened with any of your farmers...

we trust you will behave like a gentleman in future ..instead of ridiculing fellow friends,,,or threatening some one as posted in this forum a few days ago..

Because we are not here either to argue or challenge anybody ..

we never used to write a story here or make money out of fly feeding on dead worms...

If Ramu sir is posting something technical it will be an authenticated matter ..

If you have any doubts you come directly here and see for your self and enquire with those real farmers who are doing wonder on watermelon crops with different varieties..innovative practices to obtain high yield and most important market management ...

Do you think Ramu sir is so cheap to write a story as some nostradamus..

Before commenting on anybody first let yourself know about the technical stuff of the person and the verity of the matter posted..

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please inform me sir how will be future market price of watermilon like kiran &arun veriety?where is good market

please tell me one thing sir.i want cultivate water milon and muskmilon.some persons told that arun veriety is best(watermilon)some persons told kiran veriety is best.which is best ?how wil be future market means in april month?where can i get seeds ?please tell me sir waiting for you are reply
