crude drugs



Senior Member
Kalmeg-Andrographis paniculata (Tam– siriyanangai,Kan- nilabevu)1.5 tons/acre in 120 days. 30-40/kg (Cost of seed Rs 350/kg) june

Tulsi– Ocimum 2-3 tons /acre/year/ Rs 20-30/kg driedleaves(Cost of seed Rs100/kg) - Cultivation can be started now itself

(Tel: Kasi soppu, tam-Manathakkali)– Solanum nigrum, 2-3 tons/acre in 0neyear Rs 20/kg(Cost of seed Rs 100/kg)- cultivation initiated now itself

Bhumi amla,( Tam-Kilanelli, Kan – Kiranelli) Phyllanthus amarus 1.5 – 2 tons Rs35/kg 120 days. (Cost of seed Rs 750/kg)- cultivation can be initiated now.

Mucuna seeds- (Tam- poonaikaali vidai, Kounc Beej,nasagunni Beej-Kan) 500-600kg /Acre in 6 months Price around 80.00(Cost of seed Rs 100/kg) july

Coleus forskohlii – 500-600 kg per acre in 6 months Rs 100-150/Kg(Cost of Cuttings Rs 2000/acre) -july

DayJasmine:Cestrum diurnum - Leaf : Rs 30/ Kg leaf 2.5 – 3 tonnes/acre/year(Cost of seed Rs 150/kg) You can start cultivation now

We are also encouraging wild collection of some crude drugs like punarnva, solanum nigrum, phyllanthus maderaspatensis. Tribulus terrestris, etc.,

Interested farmers, NGOs, NRIs can send private message.


Senior Member
Medicinal Herbs- Cultivation.

Now you can grow bhumiamla, it will be harvested by june end, you can get around 50,000 per acre,then you can go for Kalmeg or Coleus or Tulsi.


Sir,I am cultivating various kind of Medicinal plants i am intersted to cultivate Kalmegh,Bhumiamla .My land in Maharashtra near Amravati .Pl.suggest me the crop .Are u suppling seed or planting material.
Please contact...........
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Senior Member

Kalmeg seeds you can get from neemuch market. Bhumiamla seeds you can get from Tamil Nadu.We will also supply.


we required a detailed information about bhumiamla cultivation regards n we from pondicherry area


Senior Member
Bhumiamla cultivation

Phyllanthus is annual weed, it will grow during rainy seasons; it is also as weed in vegetable gardens, flower gardens waste lands and roadsides.
It is propagated by seeds
Seeds are having short viability, mostly one year. 6 seeds are available in a fruit.
The herb can be grown two times in a year, good sunlight is necessary for the crop.
June – Aug; jan – Feb, irrigated crop will give good yield.
Seeds needed per acre 500g – 1kg.
Nursery bed can be prepared and seeds can be sown there; after one month seedlings can be transplanted to main field.
Weeding is done after 15 – 20 days of transplanting.
Watering is done ones in a week.
Leaf mite is common, it is difficult to control, it is not making much damage to the crop. Small moth also present in the leaves. Powder mildew is another prominent disease. When the night temperature is going below 22oC the mildew will spread. The crop should be harvested before the commencement of winter. When it is single crop It will spread very fast and the whole crop become white. So it should be harvested in October. The chemical content also will go down during winter.
The herb can be harvested at the 60 th day of transplanting, the herb will be 1.5 – 2 feet height, if there is delay for harvest the herb will become 2.5 feet tall and the basal leave start falling.
The crop should be harvested during aug- October or April-may. The yield will be 1.5 to 2 ton of dried herb per acre.
The herb should be cut 4 inch above the ground level and chopped into 15 -20cm long pieces and dried in sun light / shade. While drying, separate the mature seeds that are falling down, dry the herb for 3- 5 days and then pack. Dry the seeds and preserve it for next use.
