country chicken farm


Sri Krishna Enterprise Beads manufacturing company

Nati chicken is not like boiler chicken, there are many breeds in nati chicken, the normal Nati Chicken that you get in villages will be ready for sale after 6 months of hatching when compared to boiler which grows in 45 days, the sale price is high in Nati Chicken approximately Rs.120-140 per KG depending on your area

1. No need to buy chicks, once you have the initial lot of birds they reproduce very quickly and will multiply rapidly, you will have to provide a safe place for hatching of chicks and the rest will be done by the birds
2. Limited feed requirement, if you are growing Nati Chicken they can thrive on food waste and a little ragi or rice barn
3. No threat of diseases - if you keep your chickens separate from other flocks of chicken in nearby areas there is no chance of diseases
4. higher market rate

1. Long growing time: 6 months
2. Building of permanent structures for housing the birds in large numbers has not been done and may not be profitable due to the long waiting period

My suggestion:

there is Giriraja breed of chicken, just google it you will find the details, they grow to 1.5 kgs in 2 months time, but you will have to provide a little feed as well, there are some farmers who are growing Giriraja commercially

other points to note:

for every 5 hens you have to keep 1 cock for pure eggs production, they can produce about 180 eggs
and for meat production you can have 1 cock for every 8 hens

U can earn more profit more information
Contact by Krishna


(Sri Krishna Enterprise)
Breeds Manufacturing
Company supply
All Over India

All types of chicks and chicken distributing
All over India
(whole sale rate)

Available in :

Pure Desi eggs
Giriraja Hatching eggs
Boiler Hatching eggs
Pure Desi country nati chicks
Svs chicks
Srs chicks
Aseel chicks
SRS Chicks
Kaveri chicks
Kadkanatha chicks
Boiler chicks
Gab 400 boiler chicks
Giriraja chicks
Raja2 chicks
Saso chicks
Rh1 chicks
Color boiler chicks
Vanraja chicks
Kabir chicks
Andra nati
Turkey chicks
Salem nati
High bread giriraja chicks
Gini flow chicks
Grama priya chicks
Emo chicks
Also duck chicks available

More information contact by


Dear All,

I would like to share Color / Nati / Desi Poultry industry information, this may be known to all of you, however I am bring back from your layers of brain... :)

Chickpreneur should start focus on Color / Nati / Desi Poultry at commercial lines for Layer & Broiler purpose, that gives both Health and Wealth. (Organic farming)

As mentioned breeds by our fellow member Mr.Krishna (appreciable), the Performance of these breeds depends on the individuality of breed. However bottom line of all these breeds would be the same on an average scale.

Chickpreneurs should decide on selection of the breeds that are available and suits to their respective climatic & marketing conditions and Farming Style.

Performance of the birds depends on the following, seasonal climate, housing, feed, water, predators, medical and management skills ...etc.

Farming Style 1) Open Range System (ORS) (2) Closed Range System (CRS) and (3) Semi Range System (SRS).

Mostly all Entrepreneurs know about these systems however many of them don't know how to APPLY at their specific conditions at commercial level.

Please reach me with your respective specific available conditions and I could share the Technical knowledge.


Please contact us for technical guidance and for bankable project reports

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag) - (Ex Agricultural Officer -Department of Agriculture -AP & Agricultural Banker -SyndicateBank)
Agri Finance consultant,

Vijaya Agro & SME Consultants
Mobile: 9703128495

Good morning
Am interested to know more.
Land location is in TN near Pondicherry

Dear All,

I would like to share Color / Nati / Desi Poultry industry information, this may be known to all of you, however I am bring back from your layers of brain... :)

Chickpreneur should start focus on Color / Nati / Desi Poultry at commercial lines for Layer & Broiler purpose, that gives both Health and Wealth. (Organic farming)

As mentioned breeds by our fellow member Mr.Krishna (appreciable), the Performance of these breeds depends on the individuality of breed. However bottom line of all these breeds would be the same on an average scale.

Chickpreneurs should decide on selection of the breeds that are available and suits to their respective climatic & marketing conditions and Farming Style.

Performance of the birds depends on the following, seasonal climate, housing, feed, water, predators, medical and management skills ...etc.

Farming Style 1) Open Range System (ORS) (2) Closed Range System (CRS) and (3) Semi Range System (SRS).

Mostly all Entrepreneurs know about these systems however many of them don't know how to APPLY at their specific conditions at commercial level.

Please reach me with your respective specific available conditions and I could share the Technical knowledge.


Farmers are requested to utilise the rearing skills and management of Indigenous chicken from Chickpreneur which is more profitable and involves less capital and assured income.

G.Aanada Rao, Vijaya Agro Consultants,9703128495

Dear Mr. Krishna & Mr. G. Aanada Rao,

Hope you are doing well. Thanks for your information.

Need more details regarding poultry farming. We got our farm register under name of Mukhi farm. But at this movement we do farming of vegetables and grains. We got lots of land free were we are looking to start poultry farm and cow farming as well. We will be need of subsidiary from government. Basically we are based gujarat and looking to start this work asap.

Looking forward for your response.


Prashant Mukhi

Dear Sri Prashanth Mukhi , at present there is no subsidy fro poultry from Government of India implemented through the NABARD. For 10 animal dairy farm there is subsidy of 25% for out lay of Rs.6.00 lakhs . (meant for small & marginal farmers under Dairy Entrepreneurship development Program , If you are interested in taking up the please inform us for project report

G.Ananda Rao Agri -Fiannce consultant
Vijaya Agro Consultants,9703128495

Dear Amanda Rao ji, Gdmorng,I am from Ranchi,Jharkhand,as an young entrepreneur and beginner in Poultry farm business,need your assistance in complete project report on it by taking 1000 chicks as an example. Plz guide me.

Please send the following information.

Name of the borrower / Land onwer
Particulars of Seucurity offered to the loan given by the Bank
Location of the project
Nearest bank available
Please contact us for project report for availing Bank term loan:

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag)
Agri Finance consultant, Vijaya Agro Consultants
Mobile: 9703128495

Planning to start a country chicken farm in Visakhapatnam...Anyone near by who can supply 1000 pure country chicks can contact me or whatsapp me on 9248320059

We are into country chiken farming like kadanath,aseel,turkey etc breeds
Dariy farming with Gir cows and produing A2 premium ghee since many years
also listed in PM modi's list of top farmers with whom we help farmers to grow.
Consultants for agriculture business
anyone want start kadaknath or any country chiken farming or business ?
-dairy farming buisness
-fish farming business
-all crops,hoticulture,floriculture
-Pan india Chicks supply
please contact 8320443058

We are into country chiken farming like kadanath,aseel,turkey etc breeds
Dariy farming with Gir cows and produing A2 premium ghee since many years
also listed in PM modi's list of top farmers with whom we help farmers to grow.
Consultants for agriculture business
anyone want start kadaknath or any country chiken farming or business ?
-dairy farming buisness
-fish farming business
-all crops,hoticulture,floriculture
-Pan india Chicks supply
please contact 8320443058
