convert your vacant land to Wind Energy Farm And earn millions of month

interest in wind and solar energy work

hi dear viyor
i am interested in the same. plz mail me the requirements. our present buisness has a turnover of 10 crores.mail me...
Please contact...
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we invite the proposal from Land / building Owners, who have a land/vacant plots/constructed building, pl. convert into Wind+Solar Energy Farm and have a lots of income in millions,
  • 1- sell the electricity to government/pvt. sectors,with 50% less then government electricity bills.
2- Avail. the subsidy upto 50% its also heavy extra earning.
3 - avail. the tax benefits to increase your profitability.
4- highly income from Carbon Credit by CDM.
and there are many benefits,
the Energy growth is 42%
Convert your present business/proffession to highly valuable business as power generation co.

application invite with present business activity, land / building available in acres, feet, starting min. capital offered,
based in that we will survey and final the decesion.
pl. sent your proposal..
Please contact...[/QUOTE]

Dear Sir,
I have about 12 acres land on A small hill at my native (Konkan region) facing to sea.
The current monthly electricity bill at my native is Rs.190 to Rs. 215/-.excl.taxes. I have water pump for watering mango & cashew trees which run once in a day. A big house of 9 rooms & at least 3 to 4 fan in on condition/ Washing machine/ Fridge/ Mixer/ Tube lights at least 6 in on at Evening.3 Street in my compound. For this I have not installed any extra things. Local government has connected all the external lines free of cost up to my House.

Now if I accept your proposal, what will be Capital cost one has to invest to get power from your project? & that is also in 50% less then existing which you are claiming. How much place will require installing your instruments? Normally at my native neighbors are not immediate close by. They are at least 50 to 60 mts. away from each other. What will be distribution system? What will be cost to connect home to home if there are 35 to 50 homes near my home. For any power failure immediate what will be action plan? Maintenance of the infrastructure, technology to maintain them?
These are basic FAQ I have raised may be they are foolish.but to launch a new product in entire new territory with existence of strong competitor we have to prepare with all this ground works

Best regards,

praful SAWANT

Please contact...
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Interested in wind power set up

i m interested in projects related to wind power... need all details... land is ready in maharashtra...

power projects mail to us

pl. write us mail....

hi dear viyor
i am interested in the same. plz mail me the requirements. our present buisness has a turnover of 10 crores.mail me...
Please contact...
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Intresting proposition can you send me More details

Hello viyor,

I am intrested to know more details of "Wind energy" we have vacant land in Andhra Pradesh 30kms from Hyderabad. Also mail me your contact details

Thank You

Dear Viyor
I am interested in setting up Nonconventional enrgy project.
need more details of "Wind energy" /Solar etc. we have vacant land 35 Acres in Andhrapradesh Nalgonda district, What is the minimu land requirements and the wind velocity and altitude etc. How many wind mills we can have per acre and what will be the cost of each mill and how much electricity will it produce. Please give this detaisl (numbers) need more details? hope u give the contact details. Kindly give your personal contac details

Hi we have 36 acers of land but it's not a plane ground. whole land is like a small hill. Request more details on same to understand the working. You can contact.. Please contact....
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90 acres

We have 90 acres waste land in interior karnataka. We have wind all through the year. Can i get project details and how to go about with the project. I look forward for your reply.

Thank you

wind energy details

i am very glad to know your efforts in making the waste lands into energy pockets. i want more details and make my land useful.

Hi viyor, more details of "Wind energy"

My self GAUTAM PATIL from Mumbai need to know
much more details of "Wind energy"

I have vacant land 15 Acres in maharashtra, is this sufficient for the project and wht are the steps to fallow for establishing so need more details? hope u give the contact details, for more clarifications and quaries.

you can mail me on

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we invite the proposal from Land / building Owners, who have a land/vacant plots/constructed building, pl. convert into Wind+Solar Energy Farm and have a lots of income in millions,
  • 1- sell the electricity to government/pvt. sectors,with 50% less then government electricity bills.
2- Avail. the subsidy upto 50% its also heavy extra earning.
3 - avail. the tax benefits to increase your profitability.
4- highly income from Carbon Credit by CDM.
and there are many benefits,
the Energy growth is 42%
Convert your present business/proffession to highly valuable business as power generation co.

application invite with present business activity, land / building available in acres, feet, starting min. capital offered,
based in that we will survey and final the decesion.
pl. sent your proposal..
Please contact...
hi i m atul khadse my father have 6 acre land in vidharha near 6o km from nagpur for further detail plz call me
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wind/solar energy

we invite the proposal from Land / building Owners, who have a land/vacant plots/constructed building, pl. convert into Wind+Solar Energy Farm and have a lots of income in millions,
Kindly sent details. you said 50% subsidy.Is there any source to get finance for the balance to the project.if practical so many space available we can set up in commercial give reply chennai can we meet and discussion chennai or were can we meet
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dear viyor,
interested in the project;
thank you for the basic information mailed to me regarding the project;
kindly inform me whether any vacant land is suitable for this project or
only selected lands or lands on hills are suitable for the project.,
please explain more about the investment details and the benefits like
subsidies; i would be more grateful if you could mail me a model project
report.. Please contact...
Thanking you sir,
yours sincerely,
dear sir i wish to know more about wind energy project we have vacant lands
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Wind energy

Sir, I am interested in the project. We have land in a hill station. Kindly give us your contact details, we shall get in touch with you.

My self Atul, need to know much more details of "Wind energy". we have waste land about 90 Acres in Ratnagiri Distt of Maharashtra, is this sufficient for the project and wht are the steps to fallow for establishing so need more details? hope u give the contact details, for more clarifications and queries.

Atul Jain
