Opportunity Contract papaya farming


Sir,I am from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu I'm Diploma agri holder,I have interest to cultivate papaya contract farming. Please give details to me.
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I am looking for farmers for papaya farming on contract basis. Please contact or reply this thread for further information.
Sir, what is the extent of your requirement, we are near gowribidanur 85kms from Bangalore. and we have multiple locations as well.
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I am Raj from Gujarat. I have 7 acres of land to offer.. You can contact me .
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I can offer Agricultural Lands in Maharashtra and Gujarat for Contract Farming of any Cash Crops (Fruits and Vegetables) with complete infrastructure. Need companies who can provide Bank Guarantees to pick up stocks on harvest. Organically grown, Mangoes ( 10 varieties), Chickoos, Guava, Pomergranate. Vegetables: Okra, Bringals, Mushrooms, Red Cabbage, Broccolli, and all leafy vegetables. Land available from 10 Acre to 100 Acres, Please contact. Wanted parties who can buy Cows Milk in Bulk also.
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I have 2acres of red soil in Thally area. Land is well prepared and ready for plantation. I want to cultivate papaya under contract farming. Please suggest .

I am interested in Papaya Cultivation
My farm is at Nalgonda Dist, Telangana State
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Dear sir, I have planted predators lady papaya 2.5 acres two months back. I am ready to take contract farming. Please contact me
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I am looking for farmers for papaya farming on contract basis. Please contact or reply this thread for further information.

Good Morning Sir ,
Would you please elaborate your expectation and working arrangement and terms for our comprehension ... Rgds
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