Land Available Cheap Lands for Sale in Andhra Pradesh INDIA

dear agricultureinformation .com frends iam loking 50.000 thousend per acra lands in andhrapradesh any were pleese contact me my cell no=8019897048,08656-201642,9493697041 contact me immidiatly i want 40 acra land red or block soil or also aligibul contact my cell no

Interested in purchasing Cheap agricultural lands with water/road/electricity

Interested in purchasing Cheap agricultural lands with water/road/electricity-KADIRI LAND. Also Gooty, Cuddapah, Madanapalle, chittor, nagari.
Pls expedite as earlier I sent without any response.
MK Pillai

Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.


My Tel: 08144006305/

Interested in purchasing Cheap agricultural lands with water/road/electricity-KADIRI LAND. Also Gooty, Cuddapah, Madanapalle, chittor, nagari.
Pls expedite as earlier I sent without any response.
MK Pillai

Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.


Mr. Srinivasan, Is this land still available now at this price. I want to buy 10 acres. Pl contact me or give me your contact details.

Available farm land near hosur but selling in sq feet , starting from 5000 square feet to max , we will built one wooden cottage ,we are codding 250 per square feet .

10- 15 km to hosur bandstand approximately .

serious buyer please send mail , for marketing also we will give



Mr. Srinivasan, Is this land still available now at this price. I want to buy 10 acres. Pl contact me or give me your contact details.

Hi, I would like to know the availability of agri lands in ap and its cost. pl call me 9849823913.

Thank you.


dear mr.srinivasan
pls provide more details of the land in kadiri, like exact village name, how far from kadiri, water source etc
i am interested in around 15 acres. my email id is, mob # 8867594170

I am interested to buy 100 Acres in AP

Dear Srinivas,
I required 100 Acres land in AP.

Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.


Dear Sir,

Pls let me know these lands are available for sale..


Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.


Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.

Contact details

Following Lands are available for sale in Andhra Pradesh India.

Slot I

Near Atmakur Nellore
100 acres with eucalyptus cultivation very good road connectivity 1,25,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot II

Anantapur District near kadri
100 acre with unsurfaced road fit for tractor movement Rs.60,000 per acre no bargain.

Slot III

100 Acres available with individual farmers at Badvel in Kadapa District final price no bargain per acre Rs.75,000/-.

Totally 1900 acres available in this Slot III location.

Interested End Buyers Contact.

I need to buy this land 250 acres after buying 250 acres i will by another 150 acres totally 400 acres single plot i need for last rate 70000

I require 10 acers in Andhara Pradesh, at 70 to 80 Lakhs final if there tell me so I can proceed.whatsapp.6303467925
[ Road , electricity , water, bore , red soil, any where distance no problem .
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