Cheap Land and Farm Offers in Nellore District of A.P



Senior Member
Following are the cheap Land and Farm Offers that are for sale in Nellore District of A.P

All the rates quoted are final no bargain prices as said by the respective land and farm owners.

Slot I

23 Acre Land near Gudur In Nellore at Vooduru Egurajapalayam Black Soil Land Final rate Rs.7 Lakh Per Acre and water 3inch Bore supply. Water available at 60 Feet to 70 Feet.

Slot II

38 Acre Land near Gudur in Nellore at Peddapariya Road Black soil land Final Rate Rs.5 Lakh Per acre water available 4 inch and water available at 70 feet depth.

Slot III

68 acre of Fenced farm land is for sale at Kantra-Vendodu road red soil land fit for eucalyptus and mango farming. 3 bores available. Per acre cost is Rs.3,75,000 Final.

Slot IV

180 acre red soil land near Penchalakona 10 km and 70 km from gudur in nellore 8 family memebers own now first cutting done Eucalyptus and 2nd crop of 1 year is in this farm. On road land the final cost is Rs.3 lak per acre.

Interested End Buyers cant contact strictly no Brokers Please.



Im from nellore. Can you tell me If any agri lands(25 to 30 acres) available for lease in nellore within a radius of 25kms from nellore city.
my contact details:
Karthik reddy
