Chandan Tree Plantation



New Member
Is chandan tree plantation possible in Nainital , Uttrakhand.
Snow Fall occurs from Dec ~ Mar everyear.


New Member
From where to Buy chandan Tree Saplings and what is cost Involved .

I'am interested in Chandan Cultivation .


Senior Member
Is chandan tree plantation possible in Nainital , Uttrakhand.
Snow Fall occurs from Dec ~ Mar everyear.
Sandalwood is dependent on other plants for minerals and water, but still needs sunlight to make its own sugars, which is why it has green leaves despite having roots which attach themselves to the roots of other plants. There are around 300 species of plant which can be Different kinds of soil like as Sandy clay / Later tic clay / Loamy , Black Cotton, Even poor and rocky Soils can support Sandal.Avoid water logging .

P.H = 6.00-8.00 ph.

RAIN FALL = Average Rain fall 800m.

TEMPERATURE = 15 deg cent to 45 deg cent. for more details and plants contact


Well-Known Member
In Australia and Newsland the sandalwood cultivation was done in thousand hectares of land.I hope that the both countries climate will very chill and cold.The Sajiboxal variety of Sandal wood will survive in the extreme cold climate. We are are having the sandal wood seedlings aged one year with green leaves and black stem.

For more details:

A Sivakumar


Senior Member
Can this grow near Indore M.P. Also which sandalwood is good redone or white sandal
sandalwood can grow any where with few precations and farming have to wait for 20 years get fully matured heart wood.white sandal is good for marketing and all other benefits with the plantations for more details plants and consultancy contact


Well-Known Member
The maturity of sandal wood defends on cultivation/growing method.That's wild/automatic cultivation in forests.In forests there is no systematic, sscientific and planned cultivation.Now a days the sandal wood got awarness among the public aswellas farmers.Now we are discussing about field cultivation.This is entirely different from wild cultivation/collection.There is no time limit for maturity for sandal wood tree.we can grow the sandal wood tree up to fifty years.But the sandal wood tree will get maturity on completion of 13 years onwards.Some body told me even seven years old sandal wood trees were theft and smuggled .For what purpose this has been done?


a sivakumar,
