Cattle Farming



Hi Guys,

This topic is mainly about the cattle farming in AP. The current situation in AP is that they are not collecting milk in some areas for 2 days a week. At an a approximately 1.58 lakh liters per day is surplus.

If you are planning to start the cattle farm now, i will say no. As cattle farming is not the profitability sector currently. You can invest the money only if you have black money and dont worry about the returns.

The present market situation is very worst. I dont advice people to invest the money in the cattle farm.


kirti s

Well-Known Member
Hello sir

thank u very much for this information.
But why is it that there is gap for 2 days.and then where has the surplus milk to go.
Then what have the people started doin of the surplus milk, is it simply a waste...



Well-Known Member
Hi pavan,

Could you please let us know the reason why people are not collecting milk or is the consumption of milk gone down? There must be a valid reason, or milk is a product which cannot be stopped from consumption in any state. Please do mention what the reason could be according to your analysis which will help us guide other keen dairy farmers.

Thanks and regards


Hi All,

I am going to post you the 2 articles that have been published recently in the news papers.

These are the 2 articles i have read recently and in my village dairies have stopped collecting milk.

I will give a brief description of my location. I am living in chittore dist where cows are more than buffalo. Especially in the winter the production of milk in the cows is higher than in summer. So in winter there will be milk surplus & in summer there will be a milk shortage.

Recently there is a subsidy from govt to purchase cattle 2 no's for every household. Hence many people have taken this benefit. Due to the sudden increase in the milk & cattle people are not aware the next steps to be taken.

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Well-Known Member
Thank you pavan for the information and links provided will surely check on that and then advice people accordingly for dairy farming.
