can melia dubia host for sandle


Sandal host

In natural habitat there is no host specificity to sandal; but in nursery one has to select some small plants, because it will not suppress sandal's growth. preferably herbs should be planted as host. Stylosanthes ( A herb similar to alfa-alfa is planted in a nursery as a host.) Experts who have more exposure to sandal nursery can suggest more Host plant names.

Good Host plants for Sandal Wood-Sampada Farms!

sir for sandle wood plant MELIA DUBIA plant can be plant as permanant host

Dear Mr.MSS,

Sandalwood is dependent on nutrients and water from host plants to survive and grow. The best hosts are nitrogen-fixing trees. Preferably, for good root connections, the host trees should be approximately 1 m tall before introducing the sandalwood.

U can adopt the following system

Before planting Sandalwood plant two seeds of Cajanus cajan (Telugu: Kandulu, Hindi: Toordal; Kannada: Togari, Tamil: Kattu-thovarai; English: Redgram or Pigeon Pea) as primary host and after it attains a growth of one feet, plant Sandalwood in between of the Cajanus cajan. It will gives excellent support to the root system till permanent host establishes its root system into soil.

The best plants for secondary or permanent hosts are three of the leguminose hosts, Dalbergia latifolia (Telugu: Jitregi; Hindi: Kala shisham; Kannada: Bidi or Bete; Tamil: Itti or Etti), Pongamia pinnata Telugu: Kanuga; Hindi: Karanj; Kannada: Honge; Tamil: Pungam) and Cathormium umbellatum can provide continued sandalwood growth once the primary host has died. Better to plant grown up host plants. Preferably, for good root connections, the host trees should be approximately 1 m tall. Plant the sandal wood along the rip line, because the host roots will be more concentrated in this region.

Then answer to your question is ......... ''Melia dubia is a fast growing tree. It can be planted as a host tree. But not advisable. With in no time it will become competitive to sandalwood growth. Probably u r interested in the attarctive income from Melia dubia. But mortality rate will be high if u prefer Melia dubia as host plant. Instead u can plant Melia dubia all around the plantation farmland as hedge crop. Nitrogen fixing plants are better hosts.''

Raghu Ram
Mobile: 0 98482 03647
Sampada Farms & Consultatns
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Importance of hosts_Sandal wood-Sampada Farms!


Dint get your question sir??


Dear Ashwini,

Sandalwood refers to a tree species from the Santalum genus that is commercially harvested for its fragrant, essential oil heartwood. Tropical sandalwood (Santalum album) is the most widely known and valued of the sixteen species. Tropical sandalwood (Santalum album) is an aggressive hemi-parasite with 70 percent of seedlings able to generate haustoria within 30 days from germination (Nagaveni and Srimathi 1985). Rao (1904) documented the great effect hosts have on sandalwood growth and development and provided a list of 70 possible species by association.

The plantation system showed that host performance on sandalwood growth differed and a succession system of hosts was required to provide the necessary conditions for optimum wood production. The silviculture system devised utilises three hosts, the first being an herbaceous plant introduced to the container-grown sandalwood one month prior to field planting. The short-term host aims to produce rapid sandalwood growth and will die 2-4 years after establishment, leaving the long-term host to grow and support the sandalwood over its production life. The short and long term hosts are planted at the same time as the sandalwood, with plantation establishment usually occurring in May-June, or at least before the escalation in temperatures. Structurally, hosts provide protection from sun, wind and grazing as well as a possible source of nutrients and amino acids. Nutrients such as calcium and iron (Rao, 1933); nitrogen and phosphate (Iyengar, 1960) potassium, phosphate and magnesium (Rangaswamy et al. 1962) have been shown to be supplied by the host to Tropical sandalwood.

The presence of basic amino acids indicates that leguminose plants are more efficient hosts for sandalwood growth than non-leguminose plants, however performance between leguminose plants varies (Srimathi et al. 1961; Radomiljac et al. 1998, Nagaveni and Vijayalakshmi, 2003).

(Compiled article)

Raghu Ram
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Hi Kirpal,
On the way from chandigarh to dehradun via Kala Aamb, after Nahan there is Nursary on the Left hand side. Its Name is "CHANDAN NURSARY". The owner of this nursary has planted 500 plants in his farm (3 Kms from this nursary). If you will request him, he will take you there to his farms where you can see 2 years of plants (4 to 7 feet high). I visited last on 11th feb 2018.

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