Question Buying Farmland - Adangal



New Member
Hi, Can anyone in this forum help me with documents required for buying farmland in Karnataka. What is Adangal. Is it same as RTC.

Rythu pass book will be generally given by the Revenue Department in the State, issued by the Tahsildar. Adangal copy is maintained by the Revenue Department . If you ask the village revenue officer , he will give copy of adangal & 10-1 extract for your land. Generally they will maintain particulars what crops are growing on the land etc

Thanks GARao. I am looking at buying a property in Karnataka. We have RTC and looks like also Adangal. The names are different in the 2 documents. So not sure which one is legally valid. Any inputs will be helpful

Title deeds ( if purchased the land from others)
Link documents
Land Revenue Receipts
Search in webland (Maintained by the Revenue Department
Rytu Pass Bank
Adangal & 10-1

