Buffalo Bull Rearing.



Active Member
Hello, Can anybody help me on this issue, suggestions are welcome for rearing of 1000 buffallo bulls in nagpur maharashtra.

We are having 250 acres of land for feed and fodder.

Kindly help.

Hello Sir
Buffaloes can be maintained on more fibrous crop residues, hence scope for reducing feed cost.
Buffaloes largely mature late and give birth to calves at 16 to 18 months interval.
Buffaloes need cooling facility e.g. Wallowing tank or showers / foggers with fan.

Popular buffalo milch breeds are Murrah, Surti, Mehasani, Jaffrabadi, and Nali – Ravi and Badhawari. The indigenous milch breeds of cattle are Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Tharparkar. The exotic breeds of cattle are Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Brown Swiss.
Economic life of buffaloes is 5-6 lactation and that of Crossbreed cows is 6-7 lactation.

Under Indian condition a commercial dairy farm should consist of minimum 20 animals (10 cows, 10 buffaloes) this strength can easily go up to 100 animals in proportion of 50:50 or 40:60.

The space required per animal should be 40 sq.ft in shed and 80sq.ft open space. Besides, you will also need:

One room 10” x 10” for keeping implements.
One room 10”x 12” for milk storage
Office cum living room of suitable size.
Water tank capable of storing minimum 2000 liters
Bore well with capacity to fill water tank in 1 hr
Ideal space requirement for 100 animals is 13,000 to 15,000 sq.ft (120″ x 125”).

Land size of of 15 to 20 acres with irrigation facility is enough to cultivate green fodder for your animals.
(One acre of green fodder cultivation for every five animals is required as a thumb rule.)
Economics of whole dairy animal management depends upon its economic feeding.
By making fodder’s like Lucerne or Berseem available for your animals you can reduce cost on feeding concentrate feed.
The strength of labourers in your farm can vary with number of animals usually the thumb rule is one labour for every 10 animals on milk or 20 dry animals or 20 young stock.

Hello Kirti,

I am not asking about buffalo dairy farm. I am asking about Buffalo bull rearing for meat production. Kindly guide if you can.


Chetan K

Dear Mr. Chetan K alias Lonely ,

Thanks for your interest on BUFFEN Production & Processing .. If you really want to set-up Male Buffalo Farm including routine Procurement of male Buffalo calves / growers upto ranging from 06 - 15 months , then we can support you at Nagpur for farm as well as Meat Processing unit on turnkey basis.. There are some legal policies and PCB Certifications including permissions to start Meat type Buffalo farm with processing / dressing units .. Secondly , if you want ONLY to raer male Buffaloes upto a certain weight for Live market supply , that is the separate sector .. Procure , maintains with quality feeding and nutrition with preventive health management , sale live in the market on routine supply basis.. Tension free work with certain issues .. You can rear on semi-loose or loose housing systems under patch-folding system or rotational grazing techniques for fattening of buffaloes..We can support you on realistic ground with some South India market also .. My Tax Consultant are based in Nagpur and if you are confident as per our Project Consultancy & Guidelines , free to contact us on sarkar41419atgmaildotcom.Your Input and output systems must be specific .
Some Non relevant persons with bookish knowledge , collect materials from Internet are misguiding the persons in various way as an Consultant..We are techno-professionals with same discipline and establishing Turnkey projects ..Thirdly , you also set up a Buffalo waste recycling section for Energy and gases [ Biomethane sector ] .. if you are intersted , then contact us direcly by mail or Pvt. message also.. Good luck ..
