Broiler goat




Broiler goat production is highly suitable technology in areas where green fodder is not available (or) due to lack of grazing land. It is one of the techniques to improve the economy of rural farming community. Broiler goat rearing has been found to be highly remunerative compare to rearing other farm animals and it has been advocated as a better substitute of livelihood for the rural farmer.

What are broiler goat kids?

As far as broiler goat raring is concerned, we don’t have any specific breed for this purpose. The kids produced from goats (whatever breed available in your area) can be used for broiler goat rearing (both male as well as female kids).

Parent stock

This technique is highly applicable to the farmers having goats or already involved in goat rearing. The kids produced from these animals can be used for broiler goat rearing.

For example, suppose a farmer is having 50 goats. Out of these 50 goats, may be 20 goats kidded (delivered) at an average of 2 kids/goat at a time. So that farmer can get totally 40kids. Out of these 40 kids (20 male & 20 female), the kids which are having higher birth weight and those not used for further breeding can be selected for broiler goat rearing.

Note: Broiler kids can be used for meat purpose only and not for breeding.

Housing: Low cost housing should be constructed in such a way in a raised platform (about 1 meter height from ground level) by using bamboo/wooden poles or ‘pakka’ building by establishing concrete pillars. Floor and side walls may be made of wooden material. Roof may be thatched with coconut leaves, grass or asbestos sheets. . Average floor space per kid is 0.75 to 1 sq. metre.

Floor should have atleast 1 cm space between bamboos/wooden planks to allow passage of dung and urine down to the ground.

Selection of kids

The goat kids about 15 days to 1 month old i.e before starting to eat green leaves and are having higher birth weight and not used for further breeding can be selected for broiler goat rearing.

The selected kids will not be allowed to feed on green fodder/grazing green grasses in open spaces. .


Re: Broilewr gats.


Kindly provide more details on the broiler goat farming.

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New Member
goat broiler


Kindly provide more details on the broiler goat farming.

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caution about - broiler goats

friends --SAY NO FOR BROILERS --just to meet the market need don't kill the nature. making money should not spoil our future generation. as we all know every one starts avoiding broiler chickens just because of the intoxication in it. a recent survey says that broiler chickens are injected 27 times from its chick stage to cutting stage. now please don't bring the same culture in goat too. now the goat meat available is quite healthier and good please lets us not give room to bring the broiling culture in goat. let us go by nature and if we save nature nature will also support us. there are plenty of farmers successfully doing goat farming by grazing and stall-fed methods. that will surely keep up the process and save nature as how it is..... let us join our hands to save the nature for our grand child's to live in healthy....

We are very glade to inform you that our company “Greentech Organic Hydroponics Systems” manufacture a unit for the Maize/ Wheat grass fodder production in which you can produce Maize/ Wheat seedling by hydroponics techniques (Soil less culture) so it will ultimately produce microbes free, 100% organic healthy lush green seedlings of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder with less cost and in small area of 8ft x 4ft x 10ft with fully automated system, which can help you to boost up the production of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder in any climate condition with less input cost.


New Member
Food Requirements for broiler goats


Broiler goat production is highly suitable technology in areas where green fodder is not available (or) due to lack of grazing land. It is one of the techniques to improve the economy of rural farming community. Broiler goat rearing has been found to be highly remunerative compare to rearing other farm animals and it has been advocated as a better substitute of livelihood for the rural farmer.

What are broiler goat kids?

As far as broiler goat raring is concerned, we don’t have any specific breed for this purpose. The kids produced from goats (whatever breed available in your area) can be used for broiler goat rearing (both male as well as female kids).

Parent stock

This technique is highly applicable to the farmers having goats or already involved in goat rearing. The kids produced from these animals can be used for broiler goat rearing.

For example, suppose a farmer is having 50 goats. Out of these 50 goats, may be 20 goats kidded (delivered) at an average of 2 kids/goat at a time. So that farmer can get totally 40kids. Out of these 40 kids (20 male & 20 female), the kids which are having higher birth weight and those not used for further breeding can be selected for broiler goat rearing.

Note: Broiler kids can be used for meat purpose only and not for breeding.

Housing: Low cost housing should be constructed in such a way in a raised platform (about 1 meter height from ground level) by using bamboo/wooden poles or ‘pakka’ building by establishing concrete pillars. Floor and side walls may be made of wooden material. Roof may be thatched with coconut leaves, grass or asbestos sheets. . Average floor space per kid is 0.75 to 1 sq. metre.

Floor should have atleast 1 cm space between bamboos/wooden planks to allow passage of dung and urine down to the ground.

Selection of kids

The goat kids about 15 days to 1 month old i.e before starting to eat green leaves and are having higher birth weight and not used for further breeding can be selected for broiler goat rearing.

The selected kids will not be allowed to feed on green fodder/grazing green grasses in open spaces. .

very interested in broiler goat rearing have few queries on this technology should we feed the goats without green fodder? we need to use any feeding concentrates instead of green fodder?
3.if so how many days we should we give these concentrates and what is
the cost of these concentrates per day per goat?


New Member
Technology coat

We are very glade to inform you that our company “Greentech Organic Hydroponics Systems” manufacture a unit for the Maize/ Wheat grass fodder production in which you can produce Maize/ Wheat seedling by hydroponics techniques (Soil less culture) so it will ultimately produce microbes free, 100% organic healthy lush green seedlings of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder with less cost and in small area of 8ft x 4ft x 10ft with fully automated system, which can help you to boost up the production of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder in any climate condition with less input cost.
Hello your technology is quite superb please let me knnow the cost of the technology?
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