Question Black turmeric / curcuma caesia/ kali haldi


we are interested in bulk growing of black turmeric and need particular companies buying kali haldi in bulk for processing and using it for processing for end use . thus, we can supply any quantity if interested in contract farming of same and process it for uses under pharma /ayurvedic /medicinal purposes as of good content of CAMPHOR / CURCUMIN / CAMPHENE / BORNYLENE / CINEOLE / BORNEOL +++ !! Can connect for further details .
We have good quality black turmeric rhyzomes.
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we are interested in bulk growing of black turmeric and need particular companies buying kali haldi in bulk for processing and using it for processing for end use . thus, we can supply any quantity if interested in contract farming of same and process it for uses under pharma /ayurvedic /medicinal purposes as of good content of CAMPHOR / CURCUMIN / CAMPHENE / BORNYLENE / CINEOLE / BORNEOL +++ !! Can connect for further details . Speed Test
what qty you can arrange to supply , need at nearby Bangalore, Doddaballapura.
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I am growing black turmeric in my farm on experimental basis in maharashtra and so far the plans are very good and growing as per expectation. I am going to grow it in large scale from next year. please contact me if anyone can agree to buy the black turmeric bulbs or in dry form.
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