Black tumeric (kali haldi)



New Member
How to grow black turmeric know as kali haldi in india...
i want to know all the cost details and necessary equoipments to grow it..
pls help and reply soon....

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Block tumeric

Dear sir,
I rember tree turmeric , this must be for medicinal sps having lot of medicinal value for details visit some ayurvedic doc. being horticultureist and never heard this plant and no equipement will healp u go grow platns, if u dont have knowledge of farming visit some farms and get it


Kirti Naik


Active Member
it is available inwild in north east. no one need grow. it is dificult to grow in ther parts of india.


Established Member
Curcuma caesia

Rhizomes of Curcuma caesia look like bluish black.
Some people call it as Kali Haldi.
Agricultural practices are similar to other Curcuma species(Haldi).
Climatic requirements are also similar.
We have the planting materials with us.
