Biogas - commercial



New Member
I have a few questions on viability of biogas at commercial level.

For a biogas plant,
1. Do we need to feed fresh cow-dung or can it also be used after 2-3 weeks by mixing with water? The reason is it is not practical to collect cow dung from different farms on a daily basis.

2. If Food waste from Hotels can be used as input, any ideas how this food waste will be disposed after the methane generation? Does this become manure automatically after the digestion or does it need another step to be converted so?

Any help appreciated.


dear muthu,

2-3 weeks may be too long and you should store it in a way to not to become dry and charge it to digester

you can't mix the food waste in to cow dung based bio-gas system for effective digestion.

Seperate food waste based bio-gas system is recomended and the waste output of the same will be odourless and it can converted as vermicompost with worms.


I have a few questions on viability of biogas at commercial level.

For a biogas plant,
1. Do we need to feed fresh cow-dung or can it also be used after 2-3 weeks by mixing with water? The reason is it is not practical to collect cow dung from different farms on a daily basis.

2. If Food waste from Hotels can be used as input, any ideas how this food waste will be disposed after the methane generation? Does this become manure automatically after the digestion or does it need another step to be converted so?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks Mr. Kasturi Raju. May I know which of the food waste will be effective. For example

- can all Kitchen waste be used for the biogas? I read somewhere that wasted food like rice, veggies, tea, masalam, rotis can all be good sources except the egg shells, plastics etc.,
- also is there any way by which this anaerobic digestion be done faster? I mean are there any bio-catalysts for the purpose?

To get the most out of the bio-gas unit

In order to get maximum production from your bio-gas unit, make sure of the following.
1) Temperature : Best temp is around 35 degrees.
2) pH: The mixture should be at or near pH7 which is neutral(pH of water is 7)
3) The mass should be broken down to as small pieces as possible.
4) Fluidity. Make sure there is adequate amount of moisture/water so that the microbes can move easily. In fact as it progresses , it becomes a slurry.
5) move the mass at periodic intervals . This will expose new areas of the waste matter to the microbes.
6) Adding microbes to start the reaction will help. Usually cow dung is the cheapest and best method.
7) adding starchy material will help even further.
8) do not open and close the vessel. Every time you do this, the anaerobic (CO2) atmosphere that has been created and which is necessary for the microbes to survive will be lost, thus delaying the production of gas.

Hope this helps you.

Food waste needs to be crushed into slurry form before feeding.
A research by a NGO based in pune has found that 2 kg of waste flour or similar waste can produce the same amount of gas as produced by 40kg cow dung. And this is done in just 24 hrs compared to 40 days taken to produce from cow dung.
Check this link for more information

Its a real discovery by those guys, and it is operational at household level in many places.
Reason it works is bacteria find it easier to breakdown flour which is also very rich in starch. Anyway, I think everyone should go through the link as well as their website for more similar innovative technologies.

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Methanisation for bio gas

generated from AGRI waste or Food waste or Forest waste.
For better burning / high combustible power 96% methane is needed in CBG form - Compressed Bio Gas.

I have a few questions on viability of biogas at commercial level.

For a biogas plant,
1. Do we need to feed fresh cow-dung or can it also be used after 2-3 weeks by mixing with water? The reason is it is not practical to collect cow dung from different farms on a daily basis.

2. If Food waste from Hotels can be used as input, any ideas how this food waste will be disposed after the methane generation? Does this become manure automatically after the digestion or does it need another step to be converted so?

Any help appreciated.
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boi gas

can any one sugest me how can we instal boi gus unit in dehradoon uttrakhand plz send mail
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