Bio Gas Setup for 50+ Cows

I have a Dairy Farm near Bangalore with 50+ CB HF cows and I am looking at setting up a small Bio Gas plant, I am looking at absolutely cost effective model and the requirement I have is either running my Diesel Generator (Kirloskar Make with 25KV alternator using a fuel convertor if available) or explore options of supplying the gas/electricity produced to nearby villages and generate some income.

My immediate concern is to find out what would be the cost involved in setting up the Bio Gas plant and how much gas/electricity output I can expect from the dung of 50+ cows that gets generated can say that I am looking for the economics of Bio Gas plant. I already have two tiny units of Bio Gas that helps me to run two-two burner gas stove which I got setup taking help from govt scheme. You may write to me

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Active Member
reg your dairy setup

Dear Sir,

Good to know that, you have a dairy set up near Bangalore. We are very much interested to see your farm as we are planning for a dairy farm in the near future.

Pl revert back with your farm address to the below mentioned email id so that, we can plan for a visit with your prior appointment.

Thanks & Regards,


God save the small farm owners!!!

I had lot of expectation from this forum and the senior members.... It's a pity to see the response or no response I've received for my query. I am currently facing challenges in planning my biogas setup and was hoping to get solutions from this forum, but looks like this is not the right place for me....


Established Member
Dear Santhosh,
You have not got reply for long time from others and Ravishankar has not got reply from you from one week.

All are worried about their own problems without caring others. This system is like as we.

Can you come up with your profile and amenities you have for going ahead for setting up of bio gass plant in your dairy farm.



Senior Member

Mr. singh,

Their is a answer in your question. No one take risk of telling /answering when question comes as commandable.

When all are struggling by experimenting and understanding the alternatives if you demand the solutions athentically, we beileve definetly no one shows dareness to answer or give solutions to your underlined subjects like very cost effective, planing of earning money by supplying power to nearby village etc.,

However, we are surprised/wondered, such a impatient person how you may be handling 50 + milking cows.

Anyway, Bio-gas can be set up and power can also generate. But 25 kva power generation as commercial selling is all not possible and viable idea.
You can search in internet the

1)success story of power generation by city corporation by using cow dung in chandigarh.

2) you can visit the satya saibaba ashrams dairy farm to understand for the in house power generation which is required inturn for farm activities.

3) Our sincere advise you can plan for the 50 + cows dung bio-gas generation for the farm power/heating requirements.

4) Bio-gas can be generated in so many methods based on your budget,expecting effeciency, depends upon the place etc., that all informations too also you can take from net easily.

5)Still if you need help in the same you can write back with a exact decision.

thanks and regards,


I have offered all my help and support to Mr.Ravishankar.

Dear Santhosh,
You have not got reply for long time from others and Ravishankar has not got reply from you from one week.

All are worried about their own problems without caring others. This system is like as we.

Can you come up with your profile and amenities you have for going ahead for setting up of bio gass plant in your dairy farm.

Dear Mr.Swamy,
I am as keen in helping others as you are or any of the member of this forum... it is very easy to assume that just by looking at no recorded reply on this forum that I haven't got back to Mr.Ravishankar's query... if you can see his note he has given his mail id and I got in touch with him and offered him a visit to my farm, he visited our farm and was enriched with all the ideas and suggestions he required and left with loaded information. I guess we assume sometimes and thats why we are the way we are :)

Santhosh Singh.


Dear Mr.Swamy,
I am as keen in helping others as you are or any of the member of this forum... it is very easy to assume that just by looking at no recorded reply on this forum that I haven't got back to Mr.Ravishankar's query... if you can see his note he has given his mail id and I got in touch with him and offered him a visit to my farm, he visited our farm and was enriched with all the ideas and suggestions he required and left with loaded information. I guess we assume sometimes and thats why we are the way we are :)

Santhosh Singh.
I'll send you a private note with my biogas profile seeking more help from you... thanks.


Dear Santhosh,
You have not got reply for long time from others and Ravishankar has not got reply from you from one week.

All are worried about their own problems without caring others. This system is like as we.

Can you come up with your profile and amenities you have for going ahead for setting up of bio gass plant in your dairy farm.

with my bio gas requirement to you shortly.

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New Member
Hi Santhosh

Hi Santhosh,

Can I have your contact number pls?


I have a Dairy Farm near Bangalore with 50+ CB HF cows and I am looking at setting up a small Bio Gas plant, I am looking at absolutely cost effective model and the requirement I have is either running my Diesel Generator (Kirloskar Make with 25KV alternator using a fuel convertor if available) or explore options of supplying the gas/electricity produced to nearby villages and generate some income.

My immediate concern is to find out what would be the cost involved in setting up the Bio Gas plant and how much gas/electricity output I can expect from the dung of 50+ cows that gets generated can say that I am looking for the economics of Bio Gas plant. I already have two tiny units of Bio Gas that helps me to run two-two burner gas stove which I got setup taking help from govt scheme. You may write to me

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