Beware of "goat guru" of Best foundation


savera farms

Active Member
Mr Benis of Best foundation operates another co. called Good shepherd which apparently gives consultancy in goat shed construction.
He subcontracts the job to a welder and does not have much knowledge of shed construction hinslef. In fact, my father had to design the shed for him which was partly executed by the welder.
It has been 5 months and he has not finished the job. It was suppposed to be done in 25 days..
After getting all the money, he and his welder are keeping quiet.
I would warn all the newbies from getting duped by him and his welder.

Also, please do not buy CO4 from him. I have seen the quality of his plants and they are not all that good. Moreover, he is selling at Rs 2-3 per slip. Please goto any KVK and you shall get it for 20 - 30- paisa..

He is out there to make a quick buck. I wonder how has a yoga teacher turned goat "guru" be giving such training when he does not even own a goat - he rents it from local villagers..

thanks for caution

thanks for caution and shocking to know a new mod-us ope randy how quacks spinning money from poor farmers.

request all members who have any bad experience about so called Five star consultants pls share their experience so we atleast educated farmers stay away from victims.


Who are you talking about - I am talking about Philip Benis from Pondicherry..

Please look up the meaning of Racism before using the word. I have not said anything that is racist..I am just sharing my experience with people so that they do not get cheated...just like I used your example (so that people do not pay advance to you in hope of getting labour. )

Please use somebody who knows how to type coherent english... What do you mean capitalist agriculture? Welcome to 2012 my friend..if you want earn money out of agri, you have to treat it like any other business else you will lose money..

Dont vent out your frustation just because you have not been able to dupe anybody since my last post about your shady activities..

100% wrong your's concept about goat guru...
he has asharam at dindigul,in our village

you both scandalizing his name/he visited my office we know each other
again you r trying for RACISICM..... johri(savera farm,sivagangai)/ sitting in tamilnadu
warn you sir !!!use your father to better design sir !!

money holders commenting agriculturist!!! captialist agriculture????


Johri is warning aginst below


Good Shepherd Farm
Palliputhupattu village,
Near Kalmandapam
Via Kandamangalam
Villupuram Dt
Tamil Nadu.
Managing Trustee:

B. Damodaran

Financial Trustee:

Philip Benis
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dear nambiar

there are several feed backs against you. p;s see

Old 04-25-2012
vrindavanfarms vrindavanfarms is offline
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Default Labour
Dear Sijish Nambiar,
Hope you still remember me.You have promised me for supplying Labour and never even taking call,once I apid you your charges and till today no Lbaour.You did the same with my friend,who introduced you to me in Kerala.Please stop cheating,because one day you will pay heavily for it

Old 04-26-2012
nostradamus nostradamus is online now
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Default hi
you gv rs 1000 from pune for southindia labour for replied for their transport and others...
and i gave rajasthan person deepchand contact
you failed to approach him properly
this is not my main business..5 owners are benefited out of issues so far!!
if u wand i will gve more numbers for negotiating..
keep in touch..
With Regards

Yes, I have not lost money..because I did my due diligence before giving you a penny. I had figured you were not capable of procuring anybody, tha is why I did not give you advance. Your other partner (lawyer turned labor contractor) came twice but did not get back to me with any concrete plan on the labor)

I know 2 people who have lost money beacuse of you. I will not take their names in a public forum but you know (or you should know unless the list of the cheated is endless) who they are..

whats ur employment labour contract reg number

Dear Sijish,

whats ur employment labour contract reg number??/ where it is registered. Whats your firm being labour contractor PF registration number??/

when Savera farm is sharing his experience about Best foundation Mr Benny why you are furious about it ?? again best foundation is from Pondichery and you are saying about some one from Dindigul> what is the relation.... confusing and your non parliamentary use of language not at all tolerable in this forum. also if you are agri researcher and worked with agri departments, i have regular communications with Ministry of Agriculture, New delhi. for the sake of members of this forum we can search genuance of your claims...

pls do not mind. being a member it is our sincere intention to keep this forum out of quacks, frauds and mis leading knowledge. unfortunately recently this forum just become sales leads and advertising forum. not that much discussion on agricultural farming or intellectual sharing. request for the kind attention of administrators.

with best of luck

Dear Nambiar

if every thing need to be done in personal why you need to advertise on this forum. when you publish about your service it is your duty and obligation to show your legal registrations, licenses and validity to public. and especially when you are collecting some money in advance..

there are several people gets in to traps manchium, goat farming, teak plantation., Emu farms....etc.... and being a a free forum this web site is pron to such adds and leads....

you have not answered to several questions raised...

like relation and reason for furious about criticizing best foundation
your/your firm legal aspects
registration number....etc

I have checked several web posting which all are 100% free where you are mentioned about you and all postings are in a suspicious nature just looking for money collections... so until unless you prove to be genuine there is NO reason to believe that you are here on this forum NOT for quick money

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and Most importantly, do not feel offended but regret to state that your punching line in your add "(GLOBAL WAR"MING reduce TECHNOLOGIES frm SOUTHINIDIA thr AGRICULTURE (2012-2020)" it self raise a suspicion. As you said you were a scientist and researcher in Agri Science , then such scholar never use such poor use of English at all.... again more suspicion when a retired scenting /researcher always looks for business research, or some thing on scientific methods or its branches where you advertise for labour contract. so there is mismatch....

secondly in one web you state you do astrology ..... how this conflicting interest... science v/s astrology....

wondering aspects.....


Dear Mathew,

Keep these people out of the rings, and highlight all the frauds these people are up to, i have attended one the training at bangalore, it was not so informative, these people pull out all the notes form web and combine them and print it in local paper and sell it to poor farmers, the man, does not hold much informative knowledge about goat farm in spite he ONLY tries to sell his useless grass slips and contracts constructions of sheds. I hope all the people appose blogs have not burnt their hands. kindly share all your experience with good shepherd farm. all the farmers want to gain information learn about the agri can meet the office of KVKs.

Thanks for your comments.
It is imperative people come out and speak up against anybody who is not doing a good job..

I have already got 4 calls since morning regarding my exp. with good shepherd..Unfortunately, there is more misinformation than information on agri online..that is why people burn their fingers..Look at nostradamus sijish and his outrageous numbers on palms and olives...

Dear Mathew,

Keep these people out of the rings, and highlight all the frauds these people are up to, i have attended one the training at bangalore, it was not so informative, these people pull out all the notes form web and combine them and print it in local paper and sell it to poor farmers, the man, does not hold much informative knowledge about goat farm in spite he ONLY tries to sell his useless grass slips and contracts constructions of sheds. I hope all the people appose blogs have not burnt their hands. kindly share all your experience with good shepherd farm. all the farmers want to gain information learn about the agri can meet the office of KVKs.


that's correct Tom

I will try my level best to keep frauds and unjust out of this forum.. like that all members may pls contribute.....

Just one anna hasare or gandhi can not ride out corruptions out of the society. all these schemes, and cheating part of corruptions only. corruption not just in gov offices.any malpractice in culture, ethics, knowledge , behavior, language... all are part of corruptions only...


False charges on Philip Benis

Dear Mr. Johri 05-10-12
Peace. When I saw your posting I only said‘amaithi’. This Tamil word means peace. As a Yoga Teacher I can only send you peace. I felt sad that you gave wrong information. I give the following explanations.
1.Mr Benis of Best foundation operates another co. called Good shepherd which apparently gives consultancy in goat shed construction.
Good Shepherd Farm which was part of Best Foundation is mainly giving goat farm training.
2. He subcontracts the job to a welder and does not have much knowledge of shed construction hinslef. In fact, my father had to design the shed for him which was partly executed by the welder.
Before you and your father came to my farm on 14-06-12 you sent an email stating:
Dear Mr Benis,
We want to meet you on 14th afternoon to discuss the shed design. We will be coming from Sivagangai to Chennai. Enroute we will stop at Pondicherry.Please make sure the welder is present as well.
In my farm you and your father had a discussion with me and the welder. We made a design after putting together your and my ideas. The welder and I signed the agreement in Chennai. I said I am only the service provider. The works would be done by the welder. I did not get the order and give to an unknown person. He also signed the agreement. If you are not satisfied why did you give order to me and the welder.
3.It has been 5 months and he has not finished the job. It was suppposed to be done in 25 days..
It is true that the work has taken more than the agreed days. But not 5 months. I give you exact dates below.
20-06-12: The agreement signed in Chennai around 07.00 pm.
21-06-12: 1st installment amt in my account.
22-06-12: The amt taken and the materials bought.
26-06-12: Van with materials reached your farm.
27-06-12: The work started.
27-07-12: I visited the farm. The work was in the last stage. The welders were making divisions/partitions. It was one day work only. You and your father were there and gave some suggestions and that were carried out. You also wanted some extra works which was not part of the agreement. The extra works took almost 3 days. The cost of materials were given but not the wages for 3 days. I quote from your email:
Dear Mr Benis,
Pending works are as follows -
Painting of the shed
Tacking of mesh in certain places.
The painting of the trusses and the I beams were over. Painting of the divisions/partitions is the only pending work. If any one wants I can send you the photos taken on that day.
4.After getting all the money, he and his welder are keeping quiet.
It is not true we got all the money. You say in your email that the balance amount you have to give is Rs.4,400/- I quote you from your email:
Dear Mr Benis, 06-09-12
Balance to be paid approx Rs 4,400/-
There is the balance amount left with you. But you say that we got all the money!
Your farm is in nearly 150 acres of land in a remote area- nearly 14 kms from Sivagangai. One of the main reasons for the delay is that the workers are not happy to come to a remote place where no comfort and enjoyment like TV, cinema, Hotel etc.
I was not keeping quiet. I sent SMS, email. I sent one email asking you to give extra money Rs.10,000/- nearly 2 % from the agreed amount as the prices of the iron, wood and labour have gone up. Till now you did not reply. I was hoping that you would send me a positive reply. Once I got your reply the pending works would have been completed then.
Mean time on 26-09-12 I went abroad. When I am not in India you wrote against me.
5.I would warn all the newbies from getting duped by him and his welder.
Duped ! Can any one agree to this after going through my explanation? We were ready to complete the work. We only asked for some extra money that too nearly 2 % only. You should say yes or no. But you kept quiet so long and now you are accusing me.
6.Also, please do not buy CO4 from him. I have seen the quality of his plants and they are not all that good. Moreover, he is selling at Rs 2-3 per slip. Please goto any KVK and you shall get it for 20 - 30- paisa..
This is another lie. Till August 2012 I have been selling the Co4 for 0.40 per slip. From Sep it costs Rs.0.50. I sold to people in Karnataka, Andhra, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. You can ask them what rate I sold. I can give their contact details. I got a bulk order near your farm – Sivaganga. I charge Rs. 0.30 thirty paisa only.
Mr. Johri do you think people are fools to buy one slip for Rs. 2-3. The people are very alert. Most of them search in the internet and then go for the purchase. Many people who buy Co4 slips came to my farm, see and then give order. Do you think they are fools to buy substandard Co4 slips.Have you tested my Co4 slips in any lab.
7. He is out there to make a quick buck.
How much money did you pay me for the consultation. Twice I came to your farm. Once I went to your house in Chennai. I gave you a letter where I stated my charges. I quote from my letter:
The following are the charges I make when I go for outstation consultation.
1. Bus fare from Pondicherry to the working spot and back to Pondicherry.
2. Food and accommodation
3. Consultation fee of Rs.2000/-
If I want quick bucks I would have not accepted only Rs.500/- which your father offered me on the first visit on 07-06-12. For your sake I spent almost 8 hours including travel time. I told you that I do not want bus fare as I am coming to Madurai for a personal visit. If I wanted to make quick bucks I would have pretended as if I came only for you and got Rs.3,500/- for bus fare, stay, food and consultation fee.
On the second visit to your farm on 27-07-12 I did not get any money from you. I spent Rs.1440/- for my travel from Podicherry to your place and back, and stay in Madurai. For your sake I almost spent 29 hours including travel time. I did not get any money from you.
Most of my life I spent working for the leprosy patients. Monetary wise it was less. But I have job satisfaction that I have served thousands of leprosy patients-helped their children for studies etc. I run a Yoga Center where I do not get much money. The only time I earn is when I go to foreign countries.
After my M. A.(SW) studies in Loyola college, Chennai, I should have gone to ‘money fetching ‘ fields if I wanted to make quick bucks. I chose leprosy field to serve the people and I continue to do it even now happily.
By taking up this shed construction I have no monetary benefits. Rs.500/- I got as the consultation fees is practically nothing when it is compared to the money, time and energy I spent.
8.I wonder how has a yoga teacher turned goat "guru" be giving such training when he does not evenve own a goat - he rents it from local villagers..
Mr. Johri again you are saying a lie. The goats that you saw in my farm are my goats. Who told you that I rent the goats from the local villagers. You have very good imagination.
Thanks Mr. Johri for calling me Goat Guru. You are really great to give me this title. At present I do not deserve. In the future with all my commitment and hard work I will become eligible to be called a Goat Guru.
I know some Yoga Teachers run goat farms. One Yoga Teacher took 3 day training in my farm. I am for organic farming. Cow dung and goat dung are needed for organic farming. This is the one reason I promote goat farming. Another reason is to stop the agricultural lands becoming housing plots. Normally the farmers say no income/less income. If they have goat farming then their income increases. In this way many lands which were unused/underused are being used for goat farming and other agri works.
Mr. Johri I have given explanation. I forgive you. I expect you to apologize and make a statement in all the places you posted on line. So many people have seen your posting. I do not know among them how many will read my explanation and your apology. For many people I will remain as a fraud life long. You spoiled my name and goat farm services. So what are you going to do for this.
You came from UP state and bought nearly 150 acres of land in Tamil Nadu to make a living. Tamil Nadu is helping you. Be grateful to the people here. Any dispute can be peacefully settled. By writing like this what have you gained? In fact you are getting a bad name as a liar. My name is also spoiled. Finally both are losers.
Mr. Johri after I return to India I visit you, your father and your farm as early as possible. I send peace and love vibrations to you and your father.
Caution to the readers:
I am happy people are alert and want to avoid the fraud people. But when some one writes please verify the facts and then comment including my writings. I can send you proofs like emails, photos etc. Then you make a judgment. If you do not have time and patience then best thing is to keep quiet. You will be careful when you deal with such persons. I like to request Mr. Mathew to directly contact me to verify the facts.
My brother Swami Sharanananda ( Fr. Korko Moses SJ ) runs an Ashram near Dindigul. I have Good Shepherd Farm and Abundant Life Yoga Center in Pondicherry. This what Mr. Nambiar is talking about.
Ok then let us continue to be friends and work and help each other in the field of agriculture.
Philip Benis, Director,Good Shepherd Farm,, 9443438532

2012 end

Dear MR Nambiar&Mr Benis
Hi…Good yours socialwork…pls wait,surprises have come to light 2012 END….

Everyone in the West, from statesman to crossing-sweeper, is aware of the fame of NOSTRADAMUS, the French-Jewish seer who died more than 400 years ago. The reason for his extraordinary popularity is quite simple. Many predictions published by Nostradamus in 1555 have been completely vindicated by the passage of time. Writing more than 400 years ago, he not only foresaw the two World Wars of the 20th century, but also came close to mentioning Hitler by name! Earlier on, the French Revolution reached elimination in 1792, as predicted by him.

Incredible? Well, it is almost unbelievable. But even the most strident critics have been silenced by the phenomenal accuracy of the French seer. Of the approximately 2,500 forecasts that he published in his poetic "Centuries", no less than 800 have been precisely fulfilled so far. The remainder covers the period up to the year 3797. The track record of Nostradamus is so perfect that there can be no doubt that the others too will be realized. His "Centuries" are absolutely amazing.

Quatrain 50, Century L
From the peninsula where three seas meet,
Comes the ruler to whom Thursday is holy,
His wisdom and might all nations will greet,
To oppose him in Asia will be folly.

South India is the only peninsula in the entire globe where three seas meet a point and stretch away. The great Hindu leader who will wipe out our enemies will hence be a south Indian who offers worship on Thursdays. It is easy to see why Nostradamus specifically mentions Thursday as the holy day. It is only Hindus who consider Thursday sacred. Moslems pray on Friday; Jews bow before God on Saturday; Christians bawl hymns on Sunday at church. Nostradamus is making it clear here that the conqueror will be a Hindu from South India. He will bind Asia together under his rule.

The Hindu leader, however, will not be a tyrant. He will be ruthless with the Moslem fanatics. But he will win over the communists by persuading them of the timeless varieties of Hinduism. Russia will become India's ally:

Signs of the Kali Yuga
The Kali Yuga(2012) is an Age characterised by an overall decrease in goodness and well-being in the world:
• spiritual darkness,
• violence,
• lies and hypocrisy,
• ignorance: intelligence and memory reduced,
• ruthlessness, cruelty, and intolerance,
• money overcoming law,
• greed, envy, and selfishness,
• laziness and hedonism,
• merchants corrupt,
• destruction of nature,
• beggars and homelessness everywhere,
• a loss of ideals, virtue, decency, self-discipline, and honour,
• happiness is lost; addiction and suicide common,
• people motivated by the basest of instincts,
• women, children, and animals are abused rather than protected,
• religious leaders amass wealth and householders go penniless,
• governments controlled by criminals and terrorists who abuse their power and exploit those they are being paid to protect and serve

Mr Benis,
Appreciate your response -

"In my farm you and your father had a discussion with me and the welder. We made a design after putting together your and my ideas. "

Yes, we discussed the design in your farm but who went into the fine details? Not you..not your welder. The problem is you did not have a clue about the shed design and your welder was over confident about the rate. Hence, he went over budget (as stated by you)..I have been told you are using my incomplete goat project as a case study for others as one of your executions.

"If you are not satisfied why did you give order to me and the welder."
If I had known about the outcome, I would not have given the contract to you..My fault for not doing due diligence. Readers, hope you can learn from my experience.

"You also wanted some extra works which was not part of the agreement."
Painting is not an extra work.. Tacking of the mesh is not extra work. It is called final touches. Please read the agreement for clarifications.

"One of the main reasons for the delay is that the workers are not happy to come to a remote place where no comfort and enjoyment like TV, cinema, Hotel etc."
Well, you should have declined the job if TV,Cinema and hotels are priorities for you and your workers.

"I was not keeping quiet. I sent SMS, email. I sent one email asking you to give extra money Rs.10,000/- nearly 2 % from the agreed amount as the prices of the iron, wood and labour have gone up. Till now you did not reply. "
Please read the agreement, it was decided there would be no price escalation. You should have factored that in when you gave the quotation. When workers were not under your control, a fool would have given more advance. I called sivalingam. Apparently, the gentleman was too busy to take my call and then never returned my call. What am I to understand? That he was really looking forward to coming back and finishing the job? I don't think so. Did you follow up after the mail? NO.

"We only asked for some extra money that too nearly 2 % only. You should say yes or no. But you kept quiet so long and now you are accusing me."
You had asked to call him which I did. He did not return my call. Your welder kept quiet while your priorities were the foreign trips..As a service provider, it was your responsibility to follow up.

"The goats that you saw in my farm are my goats. Who told you that I rent the goats from the local villagers. You have very good imagination."
You told me this. I am sorry if your memory is failing you.

" You came from UP state and bought nearly 150 acres of land in Tamil Nadu to make a living. Tamil Nadu is helping you. Be grateful to the people here."
What do you mean you came from UP? I have spent more years elsewhere than in UP. India is for all Indians and anybody is free to work, live and earn anywhere, and the last time I checked TN was very much a part of India. As far as the grateful argument is concerned, govt of TN has donated the land to me. The land was bought from my savings while I was an engineer in US and my families savings. I contribute enough to the local people in the area in terms of employment, hiring of machines, transportation, buying of accessories AND GIVING LOANS TO LOCAL VILLAGERS WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY (INTEREST FREE!!). So do not tell me who should be grateful to whom..

Additionally, I have encouraged and welcomed people to visit my farm and know more about the innovative things we are doing here. Not to forget the information I post about my agri experiences in my blog so that people can learn without making the same mistakes as I did as well as get some inspiration at a time when agri is failing . I DO ENOUGH TO GIVE BACK TO SOCIETY AND ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS IN MY OWN WAY. IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT, VISIT MY BLOG TO VIEW PEOPLE'S APPRECIATION.

"Mr. Johri after I return to India I visit you, your father and your farm as early as possible. I send peace and love vibrations to you and your father"
I do not think that we will be required. I appreciate your vibrations but your services will not be required since we will figure this out for ourselves.

"By taking up this shed construction I have no monetary benefits. Rs.500/- I got as the consultation fees is practically nothing when it is compared to the money, time and energy I spent."
If there was nothing for you in this, why did you insist that all the money should be given only to you and deposited only to your account. When you are taking up big projects, especially, the ones you talk about to other people as one executed by you (although partially), you do not ask for consultation fee. You look at the big picture and whatever your expenses are, that should be factored in your quotation.

Regarding your goat training..
I got 3-4 calls from people after the previous post, who were not satisfied with your material and scope of training. They said that mere handouts were given out printed from the internet. Unfortunately, I did not save their numbers. I suspect you need to introspect into your training material to make it more useful for the newbies..Just my 2 cents!!!


Authenticty og Sijish

This gentleman took 1000/-(I have Bank record as Proof)and for last 2 ywears never supplied a single labour as promised and not even answering the telephone.Dear Sijish,talking about other's ethics don't suit you.

Mr Jhori,

I am surprised about your version regarding CO4 grass slips .Now I request you please provide co4 slips near about 50000 from any KVK.I am badly need of co4 grss slips.In Pondichery somebody selling the co4 slips for Rs 2-3/-slip.Its nothing wrong .Kindly think about labour for collecting the grass slips.Whats the cost of one cup tea @ Sivaganga? I think Rs 6/-.Now there is no paisa calculation only Rs that you know.This is not your mistake its the destiny and fate of the Indian farmers an account of the subsidy.How much you are paying your unskilled labour in your farm.As per the Sivaganga Dist.collectors rate will be very less than that you have paid.Dnt hurt and criticise about any indidual and their activities.Mr Mathew has criticised somebody by meaningless way.And also he have stated that some dignatories in Delhi .What for ?.This is for the forum for farmers welfare not for yours.


A Sivakumar

Mr.Mathew what's your role in the labour dispute? Who given the rights to verify the reg.No & place?You Dnt bother about these things.Central & state govt are having the separate wing for doing the jobs which were told by you.Really you want to do some service and remove tears of the farmers community please go to Erode Dist. and collect the cheated amount towards Emu contract farming.Please note that the total cheated amount will be 600 crores from poor farmers not capitalist farmers.please do it now


A Sivakumar


user MR Shanmugan,

in which name you should be addressed??

A Sivakumar
Sijith Nambiar

there is no to reason unbelievable that all 4 are not same...


Worst Foundation

Lots of foundations are here to cheat farmers. we should careful / beware about this kind of worst foundations / companies

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