Best Agri Business?



Well-Known Member

There is nothing called best agri business, for me all the agril. businesses are best but it all depends upon many factors. India is having 15 agro climatic zones. Different zones have different crops as their strength, resources are different, type of land are different. Profitable agribusiness depends upon your available resources, your knowledge regarding farming, your investment, markets you are looking etc factors. Farmers of Punjab and Haryana are wealthy because they grow wheat and paddy which has got minimum support prices though there are other factors also, in Kerala, mostly spices are grown; in Maharasthra, cotton and sugarcane are the main crops; in Tamilnadu, horticultural production is more; in Madhya Pradesh, soyabean is one of the main crop; in Himachal, apple is the main crop; these are just indicative list.

With the changing market scenario and globalization, agril. business requires careful planning and utilization of resources for making a profitable agribusiness venture.



Well-Known Member

I go with Mr. Manoj, there is nothing called as best agri business. It all depends on various factors and how you deal with them. Youcan take up integrated farming if you have enough land



i am agree with you .... but which agro. business can be good in madhya pradesh (malwa region ) .... as i am new in this field.....
