Advertising Beema Bamboo



Beema Bamboo is a superior clone developed from Bambusa Balcooa by Growmore Biotech Ltd. through R&D. It is a thronless, non-flowering and high yielding verity. The high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It is the best Biomass plant species with the higher calorific value, with low ash and moisture content than many other Biomass crops. The highlighting features of Beema Bamboo are :
1) High calorific value of 4000 k cal/Kg.
2) Low Ash content between 0.4 to 1.0%.
3) The Biomass yield is 40 tons / acre / year or 100 tons per Ha / year.
4) Low cost of production for ton of Biomass
5) Higher density than many other Biomass species.
6) It is a thornless, fast growing, High yielding species can be harvested every year on sustainable basis.

Growmore Biotech Ltd is the proudful founder of the great Beema Bamboo in the world and we are the largest Tissue culture Beema Bamboo producers in India. Our company has been certified by Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology of India.
We have our own technical team that will guide our customers to manage Beema Bamboo plantations as a energy plantation to supply Beema Bamboo Biomass as a feed stock to the Biomass based power plants in India and abroad.
For any queries related to technical information of Beema Bamboo and buying of Tissue cultured plants please contact us and also visit our website :,
Contact us:
Growmore Biotech Ltd.
Ph: 9443360563
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query regarding bamboo

Hi Sir,

I have some queries regarding the beema bamboo. I will be thankful to you if you could helped out with some of points.

1) Can Beema bamboo be grown in konkan area.
2) Can red soil be suitable for this beema bamboo.
3) 1 Seed of Beema bamboo grows how much Bamboo Stick.
4) How much is the water requirement & fertilizers for beema bamboo.
5) In 2 Acre land how much will be the minimum cost to start this bamboo plantation.
6) On what basis do u sell beema bamboo seeds?
7) Is sea water preferred for bamboo planting.(As its salty water)
8) In 2 acre land how much Beema Bamboo plants can be grown.
9) How much is the duration(years) of getting profit amount.
10) What is the requirement of labours for 2 acre bamboo plantation.

Kindly please help me out with this point i will be thankful to you.


Re:Beema Bamboo queries Reg

Hi Imram..,

Good Day..!

Thanking you for showing interest in our product Beema Bamboo

Answer for your queries :

1) Konkan area is very much suitable for the growth of Beema Bamboo.

2) Beema Bamboo can grow in almost in all types of soil. Red soil is most preferred for Beema Bamboo

3) Our Beema Bamboo plants are Tissue cultured so there is no seed production. One plant will produce 40 culms(poles) in 4 years under the spacing of 15ft x 15ft and ready for harvest. 10 poles can be harvested from 5th year for every year.
But under High Density Plantation with 1000 plants per acre with the spacing of 10ft(between rows) x 4ft(between plants) 15 poles will be there at the end of 2nd year and several can be harvested. The harvest is heavier from 3rd year onwards.

4) 20 liters of water per plant is required and 1 acre requires 20,000 lts of water every day when there is no rain. This quantity is equal to water requirement of Sugarcane.
The fertilizer schedule is 160:40:200 of NPK per acre per year.

5)For conventional plantation Rs.50,000 per acre in the 1st year and Rs15,000 per acre every year.
Under High Density Plantation the first year expenses Rs.80,000 per acre and Rs 20-22,000 per acre every year.

6)We dont sell seeds of Beema Bamboo. We sell only Tissue Culture Beema Bamboo plants
Minimum plant order is 1000nos and the price is Rs.30/- if the order is more than 10,000nos the price will be Rs.25/- + transportation chargers extra.

7)NO Bamboo can be grown in Sea water.

8)Under conventional method 400 plants in 2 acre, Under High Density plantation 2000 plants in 2 acres.

9)Under conventional plantation 5 years, Under High Density plantation 2 years.

10)75 mandays per acre for 1st year, 2nd year onwards 30 mandays per acre.

For More Clarifications contact us at :
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query regarding bamboo

Hi Sir,

Thank you for explaining points.

7) Is sea water preferred for bamboo planting.(As its salty water)

7) NO Bamboo can be grown in Sea water.

I was not able to get this point.

Can i use sea water (salty water)yes or no?

And on what basis are bamboo sold?
And price of selling it.. (example.)
plz compare the higher & lower price which bamboo can we sold.

And do i need government permission to grow bamboo or any other paper work which is related with government.

once again thx vry much for explaning the points.


Re:Beema Bamboo queries Reg

Hello Imram..!

Good Day..!

7) Bamboo cannot grow in Sea Water (Salt Water)

i) Bamboo can be sold in the market in two ways : 1) On tonnage basis as a fuel wood for Biomass based Power plants. 2) On the other side it can be sold as Individual culms for construction Purpose and Agriculture purpose.

ii) The price varies from Rs.2500 to Rs.5000 / ton.

For more Queries and Purchasing of seedlings Contact us :
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Interested in Bamboo plantation

Beema Bamboo is a superior clone developed from Bambusa Balcooa by Growmore Biotech Ltd. through R&D. It is a thronless, non-flowering and high yielding verity. The high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It is the best Biomass plant species with the higher calorific value, with low ash and moisture content than many other Biomass crops. The highlighting features of Beema Bamboo are :
1) High calorific value of 4000 k cal/Kg.
2) Low Ash content between 0.4 to 1.0%.
3) The Biomass yield is 40 tons / acre / year or 100 tons per Ha / year.
4) Low cost of production for ton of Biomass
5) Higher density than many other Biomass species.
6) It is a thornless, fast growing, High yielding species can be harvested every year on sustainable basis.

Growmore Biotech Ltd is the proudful founder of the great Beema Bamboo in the world and we are the largest Tissue culture Beema Bamboo producers in India. Our company has been certified by Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology of India.
We have our own technical team that will guide our customers to manage Beema Bamboo plantations as a energy plantation to supply Beema Bamboo Biomass as a feed stock to the Biomass based power plants in India and abroad.
For any queries related to technical information of Beema Bamboo and buying of Tissue cultured plants please contact us and also visit our website,

Hello drbharati

I am very much interested in Bamboo plantation, be it Beema or other varieties. On reading more about Beema Bamboo on various websites, I found that Beema bamboo is mostly preferred for use as fuel. Can Beema bamboo be equally well used for other purposes like making furniture, in construction industry? Does Beema bamboo has comparable strength and flexibility as other Bamboos like Dendrocalamus Strictus or oxytenanthera stocksii ?


Interested to grow beema bamboo could you assist with some basic info please?
what are the basic requirements to grow beema bamboo. altitude rainfall, temperature etc?

Will Beema Bamboo will grow in Black cotton soil? if yes what is the procedure

Beema Bamboo is a superior clone developed from Bambusa Balcooa by Growmore Biotech Ltd. through R&D. It is a thronless, non-flowering and high yielding verity. The high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It is the best Biomass plant species with the higher calorific value, with low ash and moisture content than many other Biomass crops. The highlighting features of Beema Bamboo are :
1) High calorific value of 4000 k cal/Kg.
2) Low Ash content between 0.4 to 1.0%.
3) The Biomass yield is 40 tons / acre / year or 100 tons per Ha / year.
4) Low cost of production for ton of Biomass
5) Higher density than many other Biomass species.
6) It is a thornless, fast growing, High yielding species can be harvested every year on sustainable basis.

Growmore Biotech Ltd is the proudful founder of the great Beema Bamboo in the world and we are the largest Tissue culture Beema Bamboo producers in India. Our company has been certified by Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology of India.
We have our own technical team that will guide our customers to manage Beema Bamboo plantations as a energy plantation to supply Beema Bamboo Biomass as a feed stock to the Biomass based power plants in India and abroad.
For any queries related to technical information of Beema Bamboo and buying of Tissue cultured plants please contact us and also visit our website : Plant tissue culture from Growmore Bio-tech Ltd., Beema Bamboo
Contact us:
Growmore Biotech Ltd.
Ph: 9443360563

I would like know, Will Beema bamboo will grow in Black cotton soil? if yes what is the procedure to cultivate. Kindly let me know


Hi Imram..,

Good Day..!

Thanking you for showing interest in our product Beema Bamboo

Answer for your queries :

1) Konkan area is very much suitable for the growth of Beema Bamboo.

2) Beema Bamboo can grow in almost in all types of soil. Red soil is most preferred for Beema Bamboo

3) Our Beema Bamboo plants are Tissue cultured so there is no seed production. One plant will produce 40 culms(poles) in 4 years under the spacing of 15ft x 15ft and ready for harvest. 10 poles can be harvested from 5th year for every year.
But under High Density Plantation with 1000 plants per acre with the spacing of 10ft(between rows) x 4ft(between plants) 15 poles will be there at the end of 2nd year and several can be harvested. The harvest is heavier from 3rd year onwards.

4) 20 liters of water per plant is required and 1 acre requires 20,000 lts of water every day when there is no rain. This quantity is equal to water requirement of Sugarcane.
The fertilizer schedule is 160:40:200 of NPK per acre per year.

5)For conventional plantation Rs.50,000 per acre in the 1st year and Rs15,000 per acre every year.
Under High Density Plantation the first year expenses Rs.80,000 per acre and Rs 20-22,000 per acre every year.

6)We dont sell seeds of Beema Bamboo. We sell only Tissue Culture Beema Bamboo plants
Minimum plant order is 1000nos and the price is Rs.30/- if the order is more than 10,000nos the price will be Rs.25/- + transportation chargers extra.

7)NO Bamboo can be grown in Sea water.

8)Under conventional method 400 plants in 2 acre, Under High Density plantation 2000 plants in 2 acres.

9)Under conventional plantation 5 years, Under High Density plantation 2 years.

10)75 mandays per acre for 1st year, 2nd year onwards 30 mandays per acre.

For More Clarifications contact us at :

As per revised rate now the Beema Bamboo plants price is from 100 to 1000 plants the rate is Rs.50 per plant and above 1000 plants the price is Rs.30 per plant.
Thank you,

Growmore Biotech Ltd.,
Hosur. TN
