Bank Loans & Project Reports



Active Member
we offer Bankable project Reports on the following Agricultural entrepreneurship,

1.Green house with cultivation of Co lour Capsicum, Gerbera Daisy,Anthurium,Carnation

2.Mango Chiku (Sapota)Cultivation

3.Poultry Farming (Layer & Broiler)

we also arrange loans from Banks & support in filing applicable subsidies.

interested please contact

Dear sir,

we are interested for bank loan on 100 acres horticulture farming and dairy farming .pl revert back with details

we offer Bankable project Reports on the following Agricultural entrepreneurship,

1.Green house with cultivation of Co lour Capsicum, Gerbera Daisy,Anthurium,Carnation

2.Mango Chiku (Sapota)Cultivation

3.Poultry Farming (Layer & Broiler)

we also arrange loans from Banks & support in filing applicable subsidies.

interested please contact

Farmers intending to switch over to poly house cultivation can now seek effective guidance on obtaining Bank loans and subsidies attached packages.

1. we provide bankable project reports in obtaining subsidies attached to loans.

3. guide you in your cultivation on the following Agricultural activities.

a) Bankable Project Report on Setting up of green house which will be an effective guide through out,

b) Bankable Project Report on Cultivation of exotic crops like Gerbera Daisy , Carnation, Rose, Colour Capsicum,Athurium,

c) Bankable Project Report on Mango,Chiku (sapota),Acid Lime,pomegranate,pine apple

for details revert to

Hi Sir,
R u offering Bankable project reports for Cold Storages, tobacco godowns, and multi purpose storages..
i was staying in bangalore (near tin factory) upto 3 years. recently i moved to my native place(ap, prakasam district).
we have one acre land near mandal to road side....we re planning any one of the above...
and if u have any good ideas, u can suggest me....

project report format

Please send me the project report format for bank loan..... I am a Chartered Accountant. One of my Client is interested in this type of farming and wants to start this farming by way of loans....but I have no format for presenting to bank any CMA Data and project report format.

I need ur help....please provide me as soon as possible.....
Below is my Contact Details:-

Name Deepak Garg
Mob. No. 9253842452
E-mail ID

I require a clear bankable full fledged project report on goat farm. I am looking for a bigger scale project of around 1 crore. I need complete assistance right from project report, bank loan assistance, farm setup etc.
kindly revert back if you can do this for me? or if you can guide me to the right person regarding this..
