Bank loans for your projects


bank loans for Poultry Farming , Mechanised Dairy Farming and milk products , greenhouse floriculture , fruit processing units , meat processing and cold storage units and other projects . Contact with your requirements.

we r searching for dairyfarm loan in andhra..give me u r contactdetails.
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Bank Loans

We can provide bank loans for Poultry Farming , Mechanised Dairy Farming and milk products , greenhouse floriculture , fruit processing units , meat processing and cold storage units and other projects . Contact with your requirements. Only serious and immediate requirements please contact

Dear Sir,

Myself Praveen from Tumkur, Karnataka state,
I am interested to start dairy farm with 10 cows in my 2 acres dry land, so i need financial support to start up aproject can you please tell regarding loans, repayment schedule can you pls send details
Praveen B
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Loan Proyect GreenHouses

Dear Sir, can you lend me to do greenhouses,I need to harvest (tomatoes, peppers, onion, etc.), in safe places, please, contact me,
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Project Requirement

Dear Sir,

We require a project for our integrated farming involving Cow(dairy), Duck Egg (Khaki Campbell) and Goat farming.

We are ready to pay for the project work which we will submit in the bank.

Kindly revert back with the requirements for preparation of the same.

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dear sir
this is rama krishna from andhra predesh --kurnool distic i am starting trucky bird farming in 20 acres please give me land finishing and shed and hachareychecks making mechine and feed cost for starting 5000 bird please give me project report my mail id
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Requried Loan

We can provide bank loans for Poultry Farming , Mechanised Dairy Farming and milk products , greenhouse floriculture , fruit processing units , meat processing and cold storage units and other projects . Contact with your requirements. Only serious and immediate requirements please contact

I am Koteswaran from chennai, i am planning to start a goat farm and diary farm, I kindly reauest you to arrange me to get loan for these projects pls.
thanking you

Hello Sir,
Good to hear your words here, After a very long search i found this site and had good informn through it.
I wanted to start Dairy form with 10 animals at my native place(Srikalahasti, AP).
I am looking for the financial assistance, could you please suggest us how to proceed on this. As of now i completed set up for the Dairy form Project.

green house farming

i want the details about the green house farming for vegitables and others agreeculture produtcs kindly provide the details about it

hi we are a company planning to start an integrated agriculture park near mumbai , would like to know more about your services..write back with full details
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do you provide loan on leased land?
what are your percentage security requirements and / or collateral requirement? time for repayment? may i have your e mail id.
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Project loan for greenhouse for vegetables.

We are based in Kolkata and we require at least 6000 sq.ft greenhouse complete .Please guide us and give us consultancy for its viability for vegetable growing ,cost and returns etc. so that we shall go ahead with your guidence for the project loan for growing vegetables in Greenhouse .
you can mail me
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project report required

I need a project report to approve bank loan for my Dairy farm .Iam from HYderabad
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need to contact u

I'am interested to establish dairy farm. please send contact details to
We can provide bank loans for Poultry Farming , Mechanised Dairy Farming and milk products , greenhouse floriculture , fruit processing units , meat processing and cold storage units and other projects . Contact with your requirements. Only serious and immediate requirements please contact
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Bank loan for polyhouse farming

We are from Chennai interested to start polyhouse farming can you send us details about the loan and in setting up a polyhouse you can mail us
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