Banana Paper, Paper Making Process, Technology, Patent



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Banana Paper, Banana Paper Making Process, Banana paper Technology, Banana paper Manufacturing Company Profiles, Banana paper Patent, Banana paper Plant, Banana paper Suppliers, Reports, Banana paper Project Information CD ROM According to the Current year .

Project @ a Glance

Banana paper is used in two different senses: to refer to a paper made from the bark of the banana tree, mainly used for artistic purposes, or paper made from banana fiber, obtained from an industrialized process, from the stem and the non utilizable fruits. This paper can be either hand-made or made by industrialized machine.
Banana fiber is a natural fiber with high strength, which can be blended easily with cotton fiber or other synthetic fibers to produce blended fabric & textiles. It is mainly used by cottage industry in Southern India at present.
Banana Fiber also finds use in high quality security/ currency paper, packing cloth for agriculture produce, ships towing ropes, wet drilling cables etc.
Philippines and Japan are the countries using banana fiber on large scale for commercial production of variety of textile items.
The Processing steps of banana paper making are: 1.Gathering of Banana Stems, 2.Cutting of Materials, 3.Pulping machine (simple system using only water), 4.Making Paper (hand making method without any paste).
Papyrus’ technology includes the scientific know-how, processes, machinery and equipment necessary to convert banana tree trunk into paper. The technology is unique and fits between the conventional pulp & paper technology and the lumber veneering and custom wood technologies.
A technology turning banana waste into paper is gearing up to go commercial. And it has several distinct market advantages a commercially viable cost structure, superior product and positive environmental benefits. Recycled Paper is made from both virgin tree-fibres and recycled fibres with one exception, and that is 100% post-consumer paper which is made from 100% recycled fibres. Therefore, trees are still cut to make most recycled paper.
Banana papermaking seems to be the only avenue for utilising sustainable resource most appropriately. If all the banana plants were harvested and their fibre extracted from the trunk, around 2.1 lakh tonnes of the fibre would be available per annum, yielding 1.65 lakh tonnes of handmade paper. Bearing in mind that India’s production of handmade was estimated to be a mere 27,000 tonnes with the main raw material cotton rags.
Though the total cost of manufacturing banana paper is as high as Rs 200 per kg, a manufacturer often has a profit margin of Rs 200-220 per kg, with the handmade paper selling at Rs 400-420 per kg. The paper’s value-added products such as gift wrappers, envelopes and stationery items fetch much higher prices.
There are many Patents on Pulping, Paper making and related fields
Automatic paper production, Semi automatic paper production and cottage level technologies are practiced - needing wide variation in Investment Levels
Project for 3 tons/ month is possible in handmade process
Project with simple machinery to produce about 30 tons/ year of Paper & Boards need an investment of 10 lakhs
Where as 30 tons/ day project might require an investment of 10 crores according to some consultants

Project Information CD ROM Contents

Banana paper
Information on Banana Paper
History of paper making
Handmade Banana Paper
Paper Making
Making Process
How banana Paper is made
Banana Hand Paper Making Process
Representation of how paper is handmade
Banana Paper - The process

Process Research
The Process of Banana Paper Making
Extraction & degumming of Banana Fibers
Production of Handmade Paper
Steps in the the elaboration of paper from banana bunch stems
Hand Made Paper Making Process
Company Profiles
Australian Company
Paper House
Costa Rica Company
Exotic Company
A.L. Paper House
Agro fiber company
Company contact

Mass production of paper fibers from banana stalks
Fabric and Fabric Article Made from Plant Material
Method for Making Paper Nuggets from Waste Paper
Process for converting tropical plant material into fibers
Enzymatic treatment of pulp
Process for converting tropical plant material into fibers
Pulp from waste paper
Pulp from fibrous plants
Converting plant materials to pulp
Banana Bags

Making Banana Paper in a Country of Bananas
Recycled Paper
Turning Banana Trees into Paper
Paper from banana waste
Appetising move: Paper from banana stem
Paper & Boards from Banana Stem Waste
Going bananas on recycling
Technology Contacts
Technology Institute
Technology for Pulp production
Kenaf & Jute Pulp manufacturing

Consultant for project report
Project Profile on Banana Fiber Processing and Textile Unit
Process for extraction of banana fibre and production of utility
Banana fibre for craft industry
Papermaking Project
Recycled Paper Project
Papermaking Project
Recycled Paper Project Ecuador
Project Contacts

Jamaica Banana Paper Factory
Banana paper maker moves into former Mitsubishi plant
Australia Papyrus
Indian Company

Products and Applications
Banana Fibre Products
List of Banana Fibre Products
Applications of Banana Paper
Banana Bags supplier
Banana Fiber Bag
Bag from Banana stem
Making banana stem fiber bags
Many Products

The fibre of the banana tree is a sustainable resource to manufacture paper
Turning banana waste into profit and choosing the right markets
Handmade paper from rags and trash
Papyrus Marketing set to Start
Papyrus Australia
Bananas take on paper market
Indian Exporter

Banana Stem
Banana Cultivation
Malaysian Industry
Tree free papers
High ridge banana growers and marketing association
Fibre Optimistic
Corporate Report
All is good with the banana tree
Banana fibre emerging good business proposition
Low-cost banana fibre extractor
Performance of central Coir Research Institute for the Past 50 Years
Raw Materials Suppliers
Non Wood Pulps as raw materials
New Raw Material
Exporters of banana fibre
Exporters of banana fibre
Rags Suppliers
Resins Suppliers
Banana regions
Banana pseudo-stems

Jute Market
World Jute
Directory of wholesale agricultural produce markets in India
Suppliers and Buyers
Asia Pacific Resources
Century Papers
Exporters of Banana Paper
Banana Paper Manufacturers & Suppliers
Lotus Handicrafts
Paper Nature
International Firm
Foreign Importers & Buyers
List of Companies

Equipments Suppliers
NSIC India - turnkey projects
Banana Fiber Extruder
Paper Mill Machines
Paper making machines - India
Pulp Machines - turnkey offer
Chinese Production Line
Chinese Machines
Fiber separation Machine / Vibrating Screen
Hot drying chambers
Hot air generator
Calendaring Machine Suppliers

Paper Making Machine Suppliers
Surya paper machines
Japanese Machine
Century Machines
Pulp Plant for Packaging
Banana Bag making machinery

Market Research Report cover all the aspects of Project, from basics, Projects, Investment, Market, Extraction Process, Raw Materials, Reports, Importers, Exporters, Manufacturer address, Equipment, project reports, market reports on various industries and profit making business, raw materials, financial requirements. The scope of the Project Information CD includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material.
Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.

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Interested may ask for charges. Mail us Project Name, Contact Person Name, Phone no, Email address, Address at

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Banana paper making machinery/plant


i am interested to know more abooout the project. Please send more details including cost of the project, feasibility of starting one in rural kerala where babana stem is available in plenty, marketability, profit margin, gestation period, subsidies/loan form the government, etc.

P n s pillai


i am interested to know more abooout the project. Please send more details including cost of the project, feasibility of starting one in rural kerala where babana stem is available in plenty, marketability, profit margin, gestation period, subsidies/loan form the government, etc.


I would like to know the cost of setting up production of all products derived from the banana stems and leaves.
Is it possible for you to guide me on which are the most profitable products that I should venture into which has high profitability and has very high demand internationally.


Sudhir Bhatt

Dear sir/mam thanks for sharing valuable information i nee complete details of Banana paper please guid me i have sent you the details in mail

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested to know more about this project. Please send me the charges for cd to details of this project.
Is it possible for you to guide me on banana fibre product and banana paper setup and marketing for the same?

Email Id:
Mob: +91 9930 889 940

Thank you.
