Austrelian Mangium



New Member
Can Australian Mangium be grown in Kutch district of Gujarat state? If yes than what its cretria.
which plants can be grown in other than a Australian Mangium as i have good quality of land.
Waiting for your reply. Thanking you.


Well-Known Member

Accaia mangium can be cultivated in and around kutch district.Mangium (Acacia mangium) wood is hard, with a basic specific gravity of 0.65 to 0.69. It produces a wood that is useful for a variety of purposes. The sapwood is cream colored and the heartwood is ash dark brown-yellowish.
Contact the forestry department for saplings and details



Well-Known Member
Acasia mangium

we are having good quality ,high yield & early maturity acasia mangium saplings are availiable with us.The saplings of acasia mangium saplings are promoted and propagted by tissue culture We are also having tissue culture Teak,Melia dubia seedlings ,Gmelina arborea seedlings ,sandalwood & redsanders

For more details plz contact us:

a Sivakumar
Please contact..
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Active Member
yes you can grow

hi there
this is raj kacheria i m a grower my self and i have cultivated in 150 acres of land on mumbai goa highway and i think you can grow them in any tropical part of the world. though the land should have some water for irrigation post monsoon

if you need more information from a grower than a consultant you may contact me on 093222 11010 i m from mumbai u can also mail me on

i have planted for some friend of who are from kutch fro the village called raayen


Active Member
Its nice to hear from a person involved in farming than from a consultant.

My basic question is what type of fertilizers do you use for your trees . I am a farmer from Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu. I have teak, silver oak , casurena and mahogany planted in my field. As of now i do not give any specific fertilizers and would like to know if you are applying any specific fertilizers for the growth of your trees.
