Aster Flower Cultivation



If you are intersted in floriculture in open air cultiivatiion method, there is a great opportunity good returns with very low investment , there is no need for polyhouse .We specialize in Marigold /Aster/Rose/Crossndra & Chrystheneum flowers. If you have land with water facility can start it Please provide your email ID for further information.


New Member
Yes really

Dear sir,
I am from Rampur U.P. and really interested in some good and profitable cultivaion of flowers but please let me know about the profit aspects in this. Please contact..
If possible then please contact me or just give me a miss call.

Monis Mukhtar
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flower cultivation

we have 24/7 water and are 50 kms away from bangalore and just 20 kms from bangalore airport, kindly get in touch for further details.
Please contact..
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New Member
Aster Flower Cultivation -In Shaurashtra(Gujarat)

Is it possible to go for Aster Flower Cultivation (Without Green house) inShaurashtra(Gujarat) !!!Please let us know.
I am intrestaed in floficulture (Open land).
I have my land with good watwr and soil.

Please contact...

Expecting response.

Good Day.

Yogesh Vaidya
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