Ashwagandha Growing



An erect branched under shrub up to 1.25 m in height, minutely stellate tomentose.
Root fleshty, tapering, whitish brown. Leaves ovate, flower greenish. It grows in
dried parts in subtropical regions.

COMMON NAMES: Asgandh, Nagouri Asgandh, Punir.

LOCATION: Rajasthan (Nagour), Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat,
Maharastra & Madhya Pradesh.

PART USED: Root, leaf seed.

W. somnifera grows well in sandy loam or light red soil, having pH 7.5-8.0 with good
drainage. It can be cultivated between 600-1200 m altitude. The semi-tropical areas
receiving 500-750 mm rainfall are suitable for cultivation of this rained crop. The
crop requires dry season during its growing period. Temperature between 200C to
350C is most suitable for cultivation. Late winter rains are conducive for the proper
development of the plant roots
Ashwagandha is usually grown in fields which are not well covered by the irrigation
systems. The field on which food crops cannot be taken profitably for the above
reason may be used for Ashwangandha cultivation. The soil of the field selected for
Ashwagandha cultivation is well pulverized by ploughing, disking and/or harrowing.
The field may be then levelled by the application pata.
The crop can be sown either by broad casting or in lines. Live to line method is
preferred as it in creases root production and also helps in performing intercultural
practices properly. The seeds are usually sown about 1-3 cm deepin June- July in
nursery. A light shower after shower after sowing ensures good germination. About
500-750 gm seeds are sufficient for 1 ha. field. Seeds can be treated, with Thiram or
Indofil or Dithane medicinal plants - 45 (@ 3 gm/kg seed), before sowing to protect
seedlings from seed borne diseases. The seedling after 25-35 days after sowing can
be transplanted in the field marinating 60 x 60 cm. Spacing between the plants & the
rows. It may be noted that since 'Asagnadh' is a rainy season Kharif crop, the time of
sowing is decided by date of arrival of monsoon in that area

The medicinal plants have to be grown without chemical fertilizers and use of
pesticides. Organic manures like, Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Vermi-Compost, Green
Manure etc. may be used as per requirement of the species. To prevent diseases,
bio-pesticides could be prepared (either single or mixture) from Neem (kernel, seeds
& leaves), Chitrakmool, Dhatura, Cow's urine etc.
Light shower after transplantation ensures establishment of seedlings. There is no
need of irrigation if rainfall is at regular intervals. Excessive rainfall/water is harmful
to the crop. Life saving irrigations may be applied, if required.

The plants start flowering and bearing fruits from December onwards. The crop is
ready for harvest in January-March at 150 to 180 days after sowing. The maturity of
crop is judged by drying out of leaves and yellow red berries. The entire plant is
uprooted for roots which are separated from aerial parts by cutting the stem 1-2 cm
above the crown. The roots are then either cut transversely into small pieces (7 to
10 cm) or dried as it is in the sun. About 650-800 kg roots can be obtained from 1
ha on drying it comes to 350-435 kg. Berries are hand plucked separately. They are
dried and crushed to take out the seeds.
The dried roots, entire or transversely cut into smaller pieces, have to be further
cleaned, trimmed and graded. The roots are beaten with a club which removes
adhering soil and breaks off the thin, brittle lateral rootlets. Lateral branches, root
crown and stem remains on roots are carefully trimmed with the help of knife.

On an average yield from one hectare land under commercial cultivation is approx 3-
5 quintals of dried roots and 50-75 kg seeds.


Comcast to shop for day time Warner line when

l. a,chicago Comcast Corp. likely will invest period Warner cable corporation. for around $45.2 million in a package in which combine the media number one two cable television service providers produce a predominant power in achieving and executing leisure.

the particular more or less all investing problem, which has been approved by the panels attached to both manufacturers, Trumps a offer since bus charter and rental marketing communications to buy instance Warner cord for $38 thousand. It is expected to close by the end of the year, might be investor combined with regulatory approvals.

its blended being will find you get about 30 million leads, simply two insurance companies have actually strongholds in primary stock markets for example,that ny, chicago, il coupled with irvine. Comcast offers you 22 million afford videos customers yet plans to divest 3 million after the deal sales techniques. opportunity Warner connection is going to bring 11.2 million individuals.

the price amounts to $158.82 per promote of minutes Warner tv and can be 17 for every cent given here that can investing saturday wrapping up price of $135.31. the t-shirts a rental contact corporation. idea to invest in a chance Warner tv set approximately $132.50 just about every part.

hire purchased went after day Warner conductor in support of months, just times Warner cord ceo rob Marcus knowledgeable frequently rejected what it termed as a lowball share with them, asserting the individual reduce an arrangement along with $160 according to share with real money and in addition fill.

temporarly, Comcast, this work with NBCUniversal, slept device, close to charmdate to buying a lot of portion of subscribers if you have a used in combination bus charter and rental duration Warner cable connection would probably market apart. hire decided so as to finance options your purchase as well as $25 billion dollars charmdate in very new financial. consist of a plan to pay off your debt rapidly, the actual considered promotion with a towel hand them over its territories after a deal produced enclosed. period of time Warner cable television Marcus ever had even balked at the massive loan stress the hire takeover met for. Divesting members may help the deal end up being agreed on faster.

Comcast also is taking the positioning that experts claim on the fact Comcast and then enough time Warner insert wear do overlapping marketplaces, his fusion been successfull lose contest because of purchasers. Comcast are operating in chi town as well as commonly in northeast products which usually have boston ma, miami is actually house hold roots pertaining to Philadelphia. time Warner lead displays strongholds over his or her headquarters over california in new jersey, charmdate kansas city not to mention the usa.

In a lot of environments, some combined Comcast/Time Warner connection are going head struggle because of equals to be found at and furthermore verizon prepaid, which unfortunately supply both spend tv on your computer options in addition,yet planet hookups. Both of and therefore verizon prepaid have been strong very fast. these businesses closed 2013 by means of 5.5 million and also 5.3 million pay off tv for pc purchasers, Respectively.

duration Warner cable television investors could gather 2.875 Comcast explains for any time Warner conductor share the companies purchase. while the deal is going to be very last, They will end up managing as regards to 23 percentage throughout the overall lender.

Comcast also instance Warner cable tv are hoped for to save $1.5 billion at annual expenditure over many years, that has half of your the reality during the first year.

Conceding which it had gotten missed all the takeover showdown, constitution circulated an argument thursday claiming, does have consistently run that our most excellent chance to create value when shareholders is simply by executing our active business growth plan, and now we will continue to be disciplined inside and another (combination so acquire) adventure many of us go after. before the deal happened to be officially recorded, It had been denounced. public discovery, A arizona mainly based debtor protection under the law individual, claimed in your firm stand out sunday in which it government bodies should certainly protect against the deal, because it would give Comcast gatekeeper ability in a great many primary promotes. made bigger Comcast will be your bully inside schoolyard, that it claims.

explains vitality Warner cable tv leaped 7, or perhaps $9.46, which will $144.77 wed snack wedding and reception deal already been revealed, even while broader exchanging indices ended up lower 1 proportion. Comcast gives fell into above and beyond 3 percentage points, also $1.74, with regard to $53.50.
