Are neem based crop inputs cost effective?



Well-Known Member
Mr. Sujay Ojha - CEO of the Aurangabad based company called Neem India - is a big believer in the power of neem. His company produces several neem based crop care products. Are neem based nutrients and insecticides cost effective? Have you ever used neem based crop inputs on your farm? Read the article below and share your view with us.


Neem India Products Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of neem based botanical agri-inputs, organic manures and other bio-products. The company is a part of the RJ Group of Companies, based at Aurangabad. Mr. Sujay Ojha is the CEO of the company. Neem India was established in 2002. The company exports its products to the international markets and also supplies to the domestic market.

Product Range

The range of products manufactured by the company includes:

· Neemraj – Neem based botanical insecticide containing Azadirachtin in the range of 300, 1500 3000 & 10000 ppm.

· Neem Gold – Neem based organic soil manure/conditioner certified by Ecocert for use as input in organic agriculture.

· Neem Drop – Pure neem kernel oil certified organic by Ecocert

· Samriddhi –Botanical extracts based plant growth stimulator

Benefits of Neem

The neem seeds contain the maximum content of azadirachtin along with limonoids. Azadirachtin and these limonoids have potent pest control properties due to which it is used as an active ingredient in the pesticidal formulations. Therefore, azadirachtin along with limonoids is extracted from the seeds and is then formulated as a pesticide in various concentrations for use in agriculture. The neem oil extracted from the seeds also finds use in cosmetics and skin care. The seed cake left behind after oil extraction in an excellent manure and soil conditioner.

Procurement of Seeds

While procuring neem seeds the company has to ensure that the moisture content is minimal. “Since the procurement process is done during the monsoons, the moisture content becomes a critical issue. Higher moisture in neem seeds leads to internal combustion due to which charring takes place and ultimately destroys the properties of neem. Therefore, continuous drying operations have to be carried out along with providing proper storage conditions which help in not just reducing the nutrient loss but also improving the shelf life for longer use. Since neem seeds are available in monsoon period, it needs to be stored for a full one year till the next crop comes in. Hence, managing of neem seeds becomes a major task,” informs Mr. Ojha.


Speaking about competition, Mr. Ojha says, “There are number of neem-based products in the market. But the companies which can assure the quality products consistently are few. Again just putting these products in the market is not sufficient to generate sales. The neem products agri-inputs market is more of concept selling. We disseminate information to the farmers by focused awareness programs where properties and the uses of neem-based products are not just told but demonstrated on field. Also we provide other agriculture related services to the farming community. These programs are continued on regular basis irrespective of the sales generated in a region. So product quality and the technical services, both help us to make our company and the products unique among the farming community. We believe that if genuine neem products gain acceptance, the farmers and manufacturers will benefit at appropriate levels accordingly.”

Spreading Awareness

To spread awareness about the products, the company not only engages with the farming community, but also at the advisory bodies’ level for IPM programmes. “We conduct numerous farmer meetings both in large scale and small scale where the various benefits of neem are demonstrated along with their compatibility to the current agricultural practices, where chemical inputs play an important role in crop/pest/nutrient management. Additional activities include focused pest management campaigns, visibility through trade fairs, agri-forums, demonstrations and trials of the products,” says Mr. Ojha.

Marketing of Products

The company markets its products through the distribution channel as well as directly to the farmers/users and institutional/bulk clients. “We follow the 4 P’s to market our product: product, promotion, place and price. Accordingly, we ensure that the quality of the product is assured. We actively take part in and introduce promotional campaigns to promote our products through sales schemes, participation in domestic and international trade fairs, presence in trade forums and advisory services,” says Mr. Ojha, adding, “The proper positioning of the products is also well taken care off. We first do the market analysis and accordingly place our products in the markets. All our products are made available at competitive rates of similar products in the market.”

Mr. Ojha maintains that the neem products are gradually being accepted by consumers. He is positive about its future potential. “In the coming years, the demand for neem seeds will be tremendous as its uses find applications in categories other than agriculture. The cosmetics industry, which is now catering to more number of neem products, is an example. The government is also promoting it more. The international market has already opened up for neem products. As the applications get diverse and usage of products will gain substantial increase and the demand for neem seeds will also increase,” he adds.

Feel free to post the questions and feedback. Editorial team or Mr. Sujay Ojha shall respond to the comments.

Neem is part and parcel of our farming community life.
Farmers used to grow at least 10 plants in his land earlier.
Latest trend of the farmers are that trees will take away their chemicals and fertilizers which are harming the soil and trees and hence they cut down and cleaned their land without having any tree plant including neem tree.

Without neem we cannot celebrate Ugadi festival. This shows importance of the neem in Hindu religion.

Uses of Neem for human life is from centurys either for for their personal health, animals, soil, atmosphere etc. It is very simple to use and get benefit of neem without middle man. Once middle man entered than exploitation starts.

In view of farmers view present rates of neem products are high and exploiting them. In view of Business person it is part and parcel of his business.

Now being farmer I don't want any middle men for using neem, I know how to grow it and how to use neem for the self and environments benefits.
Wherefore I will not encourage the freely available neem from market by paying huge amounts. Iam growing, I know how to use it for my benefit, than why I should buy it from some one?

sharing the knowlegde by SWAMY

Neem is part and parcel of our farming community life.
Farmers used to grow at least 10 plants in his land earlier.
Latest trend of the farmers are that trees will take away their chemicals and fertilizers which are harming the soil and trees and hence they cut down and cleaned their land without having any tree plant including neem tree.

Without neem we cannot celebrate ugadi festival. This shows importance of the neem in hindu religion.

Uses of neem for human life is from centurys either for for their personal health, animals, soil, atmosphere etc. It is very simple to use and get benefit of neem without middle man. Once middle man entered than exploitation starts.

In view of farmers view present rates of neem products are high and exploiting them. In view of business person it is part and parcel of his business.

Now being farmer i don't want any middle men for using neem, i know how to grow it and how to use neem for the self and environments benefits.
Wherefore i will not encourage the freely available neem from market by paying huge amounts. Iam growing, i know how to use it for my benefit, than why i should buy it from some one?
in case mr swamy is of the opinion that no middle man to be there that's better but he should air his views for the masses

Art of commenting on businessmen.

in case mr swamy is of the opinion that no middle man to be there that's better but he should air his views for the masses

This Swamy seems to be a religious head?
He need not enforce his view since he owns few trees in his farm........The art of opposing.

Swamiji's Celeberity is nothing to do with a value addded process of Neem. The art of Black magic using neem leaves by Nityanandas is known to scientific world.
If Swamiji feel right then he should advice his guys not to use any processed neem products like Margo soap and Neem based products sold in the market.

Swamiji does not know how neem fruits are adultrated with stones and sand (Post harvest problem nor adultrators of neem cake with tamrind seeds in Karnataka)
and who is that middleman he is talking about in neem?

Does he know how neem oil is procured by companies like HLL?
Does he know how oil could be extracted out of neem fruits?

Many lost in crores in Neem business for that matter when the above inferior varieties are not examined.
There can be Godman in India with their middlemen but not somene to buy neem and do the processing is it????
Great Philonthropist!!!!

Swamiji no middleman required in the form of agents in APMCs also please note.
No middlemen required in the Market yard with towel to transact the selling of cattle when Ramachandra mutt is there?
Swamiji no processing is needed to make use of fallen neem fruits also?

Swamiji please analyse yourself in future before commenting on a processor/processing industries.

Please refrain yourself from using too much reigious philosophy!
Talk on science and work on science if you are really a professional and a senior guy here.

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Opinions on neem based crop protection solutions like insecticides, pesticides, plant

They are natural and amazing. They are the part of integrated approach in farming. I have found brilliant results in my own farms. When we use these kinds of products, production increases with lesser efforts and the quality of the fruit becomes amazing. There is only one problem. In India it is rare to find such genuine and authentic items.

As replied by Mr. Karan Sikri,
Director, Sikri Farms

not only cost effectiveness, neem is also not a good product as everyone hinks. the properties of need are hyped.
india does not have the quantity of need products to meet the agriculture requirement.
neem is certainly failure.

Why do you think Neem is a failure? It is a known fact it is rich in medicinal properties. Do you have any information or source which seconds your thought that 'properties of neem are hyped and it is a failure'.


Our senior member friend, Sri Badrinath, seems to find fault making personal comments on Mr. Swami for denying a need for marketing such simple products which can be easily procured and prepared in the village itself. Making such derogative statements on Mr.Swami is a personal unnecessary defamation on the part of Sri Badrinath. (Since I am an advocate, I can even support Mr. Swami taking action against defamation)
Today in a world of commercialism, it is true as Badrinath says, we do not get genuine products even by paying money. In this context also everyone need to learn to be self-reliant. In the name or Organic farming farmers are made scape goats to be chased to purchase every product, otherwise locally available product, nicely packed, branded advertised and priced to make believe that high scholarly research is gone into it.
More over the neem "seeds" are not necessary for preparing the pesticides and insecticide.
We are a team of more than 25000 farmers now in A.P. using desi cow dung, urine and wherever necessary neem leaves or even local leaves like lanten camella etc. in our agricultural practices, even the toughest diseases like gumosis disappeared within a weeks time.
These are all the preparations done locally be the farmers themselves. If you still cannot believe it, you can visit our farms. Call the farmers themselves directly and learn from them. Instead of selling products, educate the farmers and we can get cost effective food free from poisons.
Let us not again become like the British who looted this country just a few decades ago!
You may contact me by email to know the details FREE:

Are neem........

Our senior member friend, Sri Badrinath, seems to find fault making personal comments on Mr. Swami for denying a need for marketing such simple products which can be easily procured and prepared in the village itself. Making such derogative statements on Mr.Swami is a personal unnecessary defamation on the part of Sri Badrinath. (Since I am an advocate, I can even support Mr. Swami taking action against defamation)
Today in a world of commercialism, it is true as Badrinath says, we do not get genuine products even by paying money. In this context also everyone need to learn to be self-reliant. In the name or Organic farming farmers are made scape goats to be chased to purchase every product, otherwise locally available product, nicely packed, branded advertised and priced to make believe that high scholarly research is gone into it.
More over the neem "seeds" are not necessary for preparing the pesticides and insecticide.
We are a team of more than 25000 farmers now in A.P. using desi cow dung, urine and wherever necessary neem leaves or even local leaves like lanten camella etc. in our agricultural practices, even the toughest diseases like gumosis disappeared within a weeks time.
These are all the preparations done locally be the farmers themselves. If you still cannot believe it, you can visit our farms. Call the farmers themselves directly and learn from them.

Instead of selling products, educate the farmers and we can get cost effective food free from poisons.
Let us not again become like the British who looted this country just a few decades ago!
You may contact me by email to know the details FREE:


Nice to see your reply.
Iam a secular indian never compromise on the free trade philosophy of people using religiuos sentiments
in any format particularly in agri culture area.
If Mr.swamy wants to take action let him and I will make use of a advocate with available proofs.

Its good to remind you one more thing.
Do not disclose your willingness in advance otherwise it will be a subjudice in legal matters.

This type of threats are not new to me and I have come across many
I am ready to hang if Iam proved guilty without filing a mercy pettion to the office of the Prseident of India.

You consider my remarks a crime?
In that case abetting a crime is also a crime in Indian law.
Let swamiji sue me along with this editor also.

You seems to be more inclined to gain customers here for legal business than the agri business is it?

Let the editorial team judge this threat.

I allow two days for this forum to disown your threat otherwise I will take up this issue in the Press council of india.

If you feel that you are disciplined advocate try to assess what the other side is.
You display here as a business man and hope you continue to do so instead of articulating in litigations.

I find no mistake in my posting and its true that Iam bit hard against negative philosophy in science.
This does not amounts to any voilation of rights nor amounts to any abuse either.
If you start proceeding like this you need a special LOKPAL to deal with spammers and scammers in this online era.

No need to emotionalise anyone and in fact Swamiji knows himself how friendly he is with others.I understood very well what this swamiji is long time back when I was sent some URL links.

I am from Karnataka and need not hire a advocate from AP.the same for swamiji too.You must be relieved personally.
I am also having sufficient reputation in the legal profession and will retaliate accordingly as and when I face threats.
Though Iam not a lawyer, I know what the law as a social activist and fully aware of what is fame and Defame in the books of Indian law.
In fact, you induce yourself a conspirator to force someone to defame me without any iota of truth.
If needed I will defend myself in any court of law to protect the true spirit of journalism..

If you dislike my comments report the moderator and they are the real Judge and no need for a lawyer to advise here and your threat is hereby left to this website readers and regd. subscribers to decide on the fate of my crime framed by your honour.

I have disclosed my complete address and not scared of threats for the better information of online readers.

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Are neem ..............

Attention Editorial team!

This is for the first time i am threatened by a fellow memeber who portrays here as a businessman but suddenly expose his dual character as a Advocate here and advocate to another member to initiate legal action for a reply posted by me here as if he is a Head of Free legal aid cell here in this forum.

Look at his comments!
He clearly supports a particlar side for his known connections intentionally and unilaterally knowing fully well the freedom of Press without keeping the moral values of either his own legal profession nor the freedom of speach accorded to every citizens through PRESS while charging an allegation publicly in the form of a threat.

I appeal to you very honestly to call upon this member to prove his allegation against me and his connection with the other member so that we know the fact and findings of their whole charges that is my reply for a counter posting on neem.
If proved, let our honourable members decide the quantum of punishment if Iam wrong?

I am considering this issue quite seriously and seek justice from you first.
Let us see how best its tackled so that the Honourable Suomoto Plantiff I assume be responded jointly in typical Press style in Bangalore Press club.

This forum is the better judge and if things are allowed to continue like this type of open threats, I think the freedom of Press Vs Lawyers will be my next thread to protect the rights of Press.
Someone's nick name may not be a real one when you look at te user ids here.
Recently a cow kicked a handicapped worker in my farm and the cow pregnant one died because of ill treatment by the worker.

I still avoided a contraversy with that handicap worker though some religious bodies ( Sangh Parivar) asked me to complain that handicap to police. Many even man handled that handicap as if he has murdered a cow deleberately.
In fact Iam the loser not only lost an asset but also unwanted protests from ugly politicians in this matter.

I never like discriminity or mix up religious sentiments in the field of agriculture as I hail from a community of harmony and peace and do not need hatred lifestyle.

Hope you decide the issue soon.
I never seen such a threat during the course of my subscription in this forum since eight years.

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Success Story of Neem-based crop protection products?

Dear Readers,

Can someone please share the success story one had when used Neem based crop protection solutions?


Dear Readers,

Can someone please share the success story one had when used Neem based crop protection solutions?

Horticulturist Erica Glasener uses Neem Oil as environmentally friendly method for controlling certain pest and disease problems. She feels it is best to use neem oil because it is a natural, bio-degradable product. Plants are coated with the oil and insect pests including aphids, whiteflies, webworms, mealybugs and caterpillars avoid eating the treated leaves; then starve to death.

As told by Erica Glasener.

can Neem based products usefull in mango orchard

i will be glad to know about Neem products like pesticide and manure result in horticulture specially in mango orchards in north India which are heavily depended on harsh chemical pesticide from last 25-30 years since the commercialization of mangoes where orchard friendly predators like red aunt had vanished due to these pesticide which had helped keeping the different pest threat under check,
has some one used neem products on their orchards as pesticide and fixing the soil nutrients, NPK with neem manure please share your experiences and your recommendation.
Note; are neem based pesticide good enough to control different pest occurring in different time and months in mango orchards like mealy bug, mango hopper, fruitfly, leaf webber, shoot borer, steam borer, caterpillar, scale insects etc
Imp point: if neem pesticide is sprayed on mango fruit when it is still on the trees from the attack of fruitfly, does the Neem pesticide effect mangoes taste, aroma, ripening, and texture in anyway
expert plz comment

Thank you
have nice day

One our members asked -

In what ratio and frequency Neem based crop protection inputs must be used in the farm in order to have healthy plantation?

Mr. Shantanu Kumar from SK AGRI CONSULTANT FARM replies-

Ratio depends on the Percentage of effected plants in crop as well as density of Insect, Pest, and fungus. It varies Crop to Crop and Plant to Plant. Normally for normal condition as preventive dose, we recommended 20 ml. If 2000 PPM in 10 lit water it can be repeated after 15 days.

Dear Mr.Sujay,

Can the neem based insecticides used directly or to increase their efficacy should they be mixed with any adjuvant and sprayed??


Do you think Neem based agri inputs are better than other organic agri inputs?

Neem is one of the good sources of Agro input, but there are so many other powerful natural sources of Organic Agro inputs. Example- Pongomia, Ipomea, Accrus Calamus, Bibidding etc. These are the tested plants.

Mr. Shantanu Kumar, Proprietor
SK Agri Consultant Farm

Neem based inputs are cost effective if it sourced locally. When ever a product is enterd inside the branded market the price is increasing and it goes beyond the reach of the ordinary farmer. Farmers can use neem oil mixed with soap and spray to control fungus , bacteria, viral and insect infections. Neem oil cake can be used as source of protein and mineral supplement for the crop. Along with neem oil pongamia oil, ground nut oil cake, panchakavya can be used for the cost effective pest control.


Dear Mr.Sujay,

Can the neem based insecticides used directly or to increase their efficacy should they be mixed with any adjuvant and sprayed??

Dear Ashwini,

All the neem based insecticides can be sprayed directly. But some farmers do tank-mixing i.e. mixing chemical counterparts and neem formulations, and then spray.

Sujay Ojha

i will be glad to know about Neem products like pesticide and manure result in horticulture specially in mango orchards in north India which are heavily depended on harsh chemical pesticide from last 25-30 years since the commercialization of mangoes where orchard friendly predators like red aunt had vanished due to these pesticide which had helped keeping the different pest threat under check,
has some one used neem products on their orchards as pesticide and fixing the soil nutrients, NPK with neem manure please share your experiences and your recommendation.
Note; are neem based pesticide good enough to control different pest occurring in different time and months in mango orchards like mealy bug, mango hopper, fruitfly, leaf webber, shoot borer, steam borer, caterpillar, scale insects etc
Imp point: if neem pesticide is sprayed on mango fruit when it is still on the trees from the attack of fruitfly, does the Neem pesticide effect mangoes taste, aroma, ripening, and texture in anyway
expert plz comment

Thank you
have nice day

When you ask - "Can Neem based products like pesticide and manure offer good result in horticulture specially in mango orchards?"

I would say - Very true. All the ranges of neem based agricultural products are widely accepted in horticultural field. The State Horticulture Department promotes these products among horticultural growers. In mango plant, the neem manures are recommended throughout its growth. The spray of neem insecticides on the tree shows the excellent result against leaf hoppers and stem borers.

Next, " Are neem based pesticide good enough to control different pest occurring in different time and months in mangoo orchards like mealy bug, mango hopper, fruitfly, leaf webber, shoot borer, steam borer, caterpillar, scale insects etc? "

Answer would be - Exactly. These neem based pesticides are effective round the year and against all types of pests attack in mango plant whether it be mealy bugs, fruit fly or stem borer etc.

Answer to your next questions - "If neem pesticide is sprayed on mango fruit when it is still on the trees from the attack of fruitfly, does the Neem pesticide effect mangoes taste, aroma, ripening, and texture in anyways."

I would say - There is no any ill effect on any of these attributes of mangoes when sprayed with neem insecticides while hanging on the tree. Neem insecticides are organic in nature and 100% biodegradable, and hence do not have any adverse affect on the produce.

Your last questions - " Can neem products be used at orchards as pesticide and fixing the soil nutrients, NPK with neem manure please share your experiences and your recommendation."

Ans – yes, neem manures are widely used to enrich the soil with the organic matter and its other limonoids apart from inherent NPK and other macro & micro nutrients. In orchards, neem manures and biopesticdes are recommended for both pest control and its soil conditioning attributes. For kitchen gardens, we strongly recommend the lower concentrations neem pesticides or any organic pesticides because these are quite safe for the house (as it comes under green triangle). If an urban dweller is having an ornamental plant in a pot then a fist full of neem manure spread around its periphery will take care of the plant for a month, and with regular replenishing, it helps in a healthy growth of the plant for a long time. This will not only fulfill the nutrient requirement of the plant but will also take care of all the soil borne pests and diseases. Normally, sucking pests are the nuisance to the household plants. For these, we recommend neem pesticide of 1500 ppm (3 -4 ml per liter of water) or 3000 ppm ( 2-3 ml per liter of water) to be sprayed on the plants. This will not only take care of all the types of sucking pest will also protect it from the insect larva from damaging the plants.

Sujay Ojha

Dear Readers,

The editorial team of shall not be moderating this thread anymore. However, the thread shall remain open for the discussion.


Kind Regards,
