Any medicinal plant which grows in shade



New Member
Senior members,

1. We have approximately 08 acres land under Euclyptus plantation at Barabanki uttar Pradesh. Euclyptus ( clonal variety) is 2 years old and about 20-25 feet high. Sunlight availability is just about 40-50%. It is irrigated by a tube well. We planted Sugar Cane but it been a disaster so far.

2. I am looking for a medicinal plant which can grow in such conditions, give high returns, easily marketable and does not need too much maitienence even if initial plantation cost is high.

3. Going through forum I feel that SARPGANDHA may be a suitable alternative but has 18 months minimum growth time. Others have adviced for absolutely no intercropping in Euclyptus. I plan to use the same medicinal plant for intercropping in Mango Orchards as well of approximately 5 acres.

4. Requesting senior members to advice on a suitable medicinal plant which suits above conditions.



Well-Known Member


Eucalyptus is highly water absorbing tree spp. it's been recommended in damp condition areas as it absorbs water from entire soil area. Don't know why you have grown it. Purpose ?

Regarding medicinal plants.

Which area ?
Ginger, chive, thyme, mints are some shade loving herbal plants.
Markets you need to see nearby markets and also depends upon the quality of your produce and scale of production (in case of distant market)



Senior Member
Shade loving plants

Plants will not grow in the Eucalyptus plantations. It causes allelopathic action to other plants. Usually one can grow intercrops in Mango or coconut or in some other crops. You cannot grow others sucessfully in eucalyptus plantation. If you want you can uproot eucalyptus and then grow some other crops of interest. There are several options


Well-Known Member
Medicinal plants


Eugaliptus also a medicinal value plant so you can grow only eugaliptus

A Sivakumar


New Member
HI Manoj

Dear Manoj,

Euclyptus was planted as it shall give first cutting after 4-5 years. The value of wood derived shall be fairly high being used for paper industry. The variety planted shall regrow after five years and ready for second cutting. Thus a total of 3 cuttings. Sorry I dont know name of the strain.

While it contibues to grow my aim has been if we can derive some value by intercropping something useful.

