Animal nutrition

Earn 10-15% for our feeds

100% natural made from maize & wheat germs (reproductive part that germinates to grow into plant where total energy is condensed and stored) for milk yield and muscle growth animals. Un-degradable protein 15-18%, Fat – 8%, Digestible fiber – max 15%, rich in essential amino acid nearing the biological value of an intact hen's egg and women's milk. The Meal protein has a high foam-forming ability and foam stability. It has abundant nutrition convenient value at low cost.

•Natural growth of animals
•Diseases - Stability
•Animal life is More
•Milk yield is High
•Fat percentage is High
•Ration cost is Low

Our manufacturing facility is in Dharward(Karnataka)
Price Ex- factory = Rs14,000/Ton.

It is very new southindia wanted persons/agencies for distribution.



Corn Cake

I am into commercial Diary farming from Kolhapur.The product mentioned above is very good and we are using it for last one year in our farm and have generated excellent results.I can reccommend this to anyone ,who is serious about improving the heard's health and Milk yield.

Dear Sir,

I am interested to purchase animal nutrition for kerala.

Kindly send your details to my Email


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