Amla ready to sale



Can you send fresh as well as dried amla as per demends ? what will be the cost of Amla Fresh and Dreied.

I am planning to set up Amla processing unit in maharashtra,if you have any informatiojn ,pl share with me.


Dear Sirs,

I have a big enquiry. Pls quote the FOB tomorrow ASAP.
Q-ty of each item is 10 000 pcs.
Please complete the form form in our website to view samples and specifications of our requirements on our

I need the estimated FOB price incl export packing details (weight

and measurements of the export carton)

David Luis
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Hi nine nine fore three nine three one nine two fore

Dear sir

we can supply amla ples con me
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Hi nine nine fore three nine three one nine two fore

Dear members

ples contact me
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