

Hello Sir
Aloe has wide adaptability and can grow in various climatic conditions. It can be seen growing in warm humid as well as under dry climate. It is intolerant to extreme cold conditions.

The crop also comes up well in light soils. It can tolerate higher pH and high Na and K salts. Growth is faster under medium fertile, heavy soils such as black cotton soils.

Commercially important subspecies are Aloe barbedensis, A. chinensis, A. perfoliata, A. vulgaris, A. indica, A. littoralis and A. abyssinica.
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, ICAR, has released varieties like IC111271, IC111269, IC111280 etc.
Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, has also released a variety, AL-1, for commercial cultivation.

It is propagated by root suckers or rhizome cuttings.

Normally a spacing of 90 cm x 45 cm is followed. This accommodates about 25000 plants per hectare.

The land is ploughed and cross ploughed thoroughly.
Farm yard manure is added @ 20 t/ha during the final round of ploughing.
Ridges and furrows are formed at 45 cm apart.
The plot may be irrigated if necessary and the suckers are planted, 90 cm apart.

During the first year of plantation, FYM @20 t/ha is applied at the time of land preparation and the same is continued in subsequent years. Besides vermicompost @2.5 tonnes/ha can also be applied.

The thick fleshy leaves are ready for harvest from the second year after planting.

Mangesh Langade- I have 15 acre land and I am interested cultivation of aloe Vera. Plz Give me information about aloe Vera plantation and cost per acre for cultivation & market rate for sale

it is easy to grow aloe vera but how to sell it. many farmers have suffered as they could not sell the aloe vera. are therebuyers in the market who can buy aloe extract duly packed in 25kg containers??


Good quality planting material of the Aloevera is available with us. The aloevera baby plants specifications are as follows
• Variety Aloe vera
• 6- 9 inch in size
• Green in colour
• Good medicinal values
• Material is in ready stock
• More than 1000000 Plants available

