Alovera cultivation consultancy.



Well-Known Member
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Aloevera plant cultivation are suitable in Rajasthan.

Aloevera plant are use in vegetable, medicinal ,juice formation,cosmatic products etc.

We provide consultancy and supervision by our experts.Aloevera baby plants are good

variety.And plants are green color. who are more profitable crop.Aloevera plants are

cultivation in warm climate, and water requirement are very less. And no particular soil

requirement.Aloevera crop are easily cultivation. The aloevera plants are grow one time and

take production 5-6 year. So any quires contact with us...


Expert Member
Thank you Sir,

I am a Farm Consultant with name and style Vasudha Green Farms from Hyderabad, Telangana .We will motivate our Farmers if you take up Buy Back the Harvested Crops of aloevera, amla.stevia, safed musli.If you take up the Reliable Buyback of the above Harvest Crops, we will go ahead with our Network in motivating our Farmers for the Same.

Thank you Sir With regards,

for Vasudha Green Farms,,
