Akra Sohan [revolution in Custard Apple]



IHRI Hessargatta have introduced a new hybrid variety of custard apple after 14 years of intense research named AKRA SOHAN.
The saplings are selling like crazy as the fruit yields in 4 years and weighs as much as 500gms and needs to be ripped open with a knife and the taste is mind blowing.
I like to ask horticulturists how its responding in the initial stage of planting coz i want to plant 500 saplings myself.
If anyone has any info. regarding this variety plz. guide me with feed-back.
Thxs very much indeed

Presume you mean Arka Sohan. No info but some pics from a recent show are here (copy paste in browser):Please contact..
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Dear Sir

Its not Arka sohan Ots Arka Sahan and its avery eary bearer with very less juvenile period. u can plan for a High density planting for it too. fruits are large sized and has a good market too.

Mr Kirti and Mr Adhar,
I stand corrected thxs very much.
Ireally wanted to know whether it adapts to all kinds of soil.
Thxs for the info.

arka sahan

for your information arka sahan will not naturally bear fruits.it is necessary to do hand pollination of the arka sahan flowers with pollen collected from any local variety of custard apple(anona squamosa)
