Agro Network up to Village Lavel.



Well-Known Member
We are planing to establish a network based on agriculture throughout India. We want to reach up to grass root lavel. All the unusefull middel man will removed from agriculture business. If you want to repesent your area please contact us. We want to centralise the agriculture. So that grower can easily get the farm input at low cost and the custumer can get the product at low cost. Do you know the Onion is sold at rs 3/kg by farmer but we are purchasing at Rs 100/kg . In the first stage we will invite the representation in agriculture up to district lavel later on we will go up to tehashil lavel. If you want to be a part of this network please contact with your full contact detail to my private box

interested in your project

Respected sir
I am interested in your project , please send me the details , i am from Nagpur and i am having a farm that is 44 kms from city.

Tulsidas Varma
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Interested. I am from the Thanjavur district n my uncle is the prseident of farmers protection movement, a non profit organisation. We can help you if your motive is noble. pls contact.

Good project

I wish to join the project, Kindly give me the details of the same and further course of action to be taken.
Pranav Dave _Vadodara- Gujarat.
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We can join hands from Andhra Pradesh

Please email us the details .... we can represent almost 4 districts in Andhra Pradesh. Already sent you the msg and yet to get response from your end. Thanking you.
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Yes that is very good idea send me that details I would like to go through it before if sign up.
Thank you,

We are planing to establish a network based on agriculture throughout India. We want to reach up to grass root lavel. All the unusefull middel man will removed from agriculture business. If you want to repesent your area please contact us. We want to centralise the agriculture. So that grower can easily get the farm input at low cost and the custumer can get the product at low cost. Do you know the Onion is sold at rs 3/kg by farmer but we are purchasing at Rs 100/kg . In the first stage we will invite the representation in agriculture up to district lavel later on we will go up to tehashil lavel. If you want to be a part of this network please contact with your full contact detail to my private box
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We are planing to establish a network based on agriculture throughout India. We want to reach up to grass root lavel. All the unusefull middel man will removed from agriculture business. If you want to repesent your area please contact us. We want to centralise the agriculture. So that grower can easily get the farm input at low cost and the custumer can get the product at low cost. Do you know the Onion is sold at rs 3/kg by farmer but we are purchasing at Rs 100/kg . In the first stage we will invite the representation in agriculture up to district lavel later on we will go up to tehashil lavel. If you want to be a part of this network please contact with your full contact detail to my private box
dear sir,
we start a agriclinic and agri business centre , i may ur part...

Network for agriculture

Dear sir
i am interseted, but please explain ur model of working. I am farmer situated 100 km off all the three major cities of maharashtra ..i.e mumbai, nashik and pune. In fact i am also palnning a web portal for online supply of agri products to all this three cities. Call me on nine eight six nine four four zero five four three


n khond

we are NGO at AP in Warangal district

Respected sir
I am interested in your project , please send me the details

Jagapathi Rao
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We are planing to establish a network based on agriculture throughout India. We want to reach up to grass root lavel. All the unusefull middel man will removed from agriculture business. If you want to repesent your area please contact us. We want to centralise the agriculture. So that grower can easily get the farm input at low cost and the custumer can get the product at low cost. Do you know the Onion is sold at rs 3/kg by farmer but we are purchasing at Rs 100/kg . In the first stage we will invite the representation in agriculture up to district lavel later on we will go up to tehashil lavel. If you want to be a part of this network please contact with your full contact detail to my private box

Dear Sir,
I am interested in your project.I am growing Tomato, Cauliflower, Frenchbeans, Reddish, etc. My land is situated in Distt Solan Himachal Pradesh.

Perminder Singh.
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Dear Sir,
This is a very good idea. It can also be named as Agro Revolution. Pls forward the details
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Interested in network

Dear Sir,

I am verymuch impressed by your idea. I want to represent uttarakannada dist. in karnataka.

My Deatails are stated below.

Thanking you

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