Agriculture Land



Dear All,

I would like to purchase 2 acre land either at Salem Dist or at Thanjore Dist (preferably Kumbakonam Region). Kindly contact with expected cost.

Raj Ganesh.
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land available

please contact me for further details at thanjavur area
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Agri land at Thanjavur Dist

Dear Sir/ madam,

The mail id which you mentioned shows failure one. Kindly check the spells are correct or pls share some alternative one

Raja Ganesh. M

Land Near Kumbakonam

Mr raja ganesh m

My uncle is having 10 Maa of land very near kumbakonam. He is expecting a price of Rs 600 per sqft. If Interested in property send me private message giving your contact details.


price of acre @ 600 per sq ft

pl ask your uncle to wait for some time
at present rate u quote @ 600 per sq ft the acre cost 44000 X 600 equal to 2,64,00,000 approx mate 2.6 crore at kumbakonam if u wait for some time u get 3 crore
i am looking for land near kumbakonam at the raate of 3 crore per acre
seems your land very cheap i dnot want cheap land

e is having 10 Maa of land very near kumbakonam. He is expecting a price of Rs 600 per sqft. If Interested in property send me private message giving your contact details.

