Dear Mr. Anit,800 Acres of well maintained agriculture land for sale as a whole or plots (100acres,50acres,10acres,5acres, 2acres etc)
Price from Rs. 25000 to 250000 per acre (depending upon location, water level, road face etc.)
This land can be registered in your name with proper registry and farmer passbook issued by local authorities after 15 days of registry of land in your name. Govt. giving subsidy for boring/pond
Nearby lands having all kind of crops such as peddy, corn, sesame, beans, oilseed etc.
Electricity is also available in nearby lands so getting a new connection is also very easy.
Location: Panna & Katni districts, Madhya Pradesh
Contact Genuine Buyers Only - Brokers strongly excused!
PM me for other details.
Please send me details and write to me
Please contact me
Dear Anil,
Greeting!!! of the Day.
I am interested to buy 50 acres agricultural plot .
Please inform immediately about all details about price , facilities and exact location to visit and spot inspection before final deal .
awaiting your response by email.
Thanks , regards.
please provide me full details i am interested to take around 10 to 15 acer.
I am seeing TREMENDOUS response to the post on buying land . I understand this is in Madhya Prades. From the response, I can see that many are from outside of Madhya Pradesh.
Can some one clarify if people who are not native of MP can buy Agricultural land in MP.
Most states strictly ban this. At best the possibility is to take on lease from some local.
If I am not wrong, even the well connected AMITHAB BHACHAN got into controversy and had to surrender some agricultural land he purchased in MP.
Could the originator of this thread explain how it is possible to register land in name of non-natives of MP. ?
If it is possible, I am also interested.
I am seeing TREMENDOUS response to the post on buying land . I understand this is in Madhya Prades. From the response, I can see that many are from outside of Madhya Pradesh.
Can some one clarify if people who are not native of MP can buy Agricultural land in MP.
Most states strictly ban this. At best the possibility is to take on lease from some local.
If I am not wrong, even the well connected AMITHAB BHACHAN got into controversy and had to surrender some agricultural land he purchased in MP.
Could the originator of this thread explain how it is possible to register land in name of non-natives of MP. ?
If it is possible, I am also interested.
800 Acres of well maintained agriculture land for sale as a whole or plots (100acres,50acres,10acres,5acres, 2acres etc)
Price from Rs. 25000 to 250000 per acre (depending upon location, water level, road face etc.)
This land can be registered in your name with proper registry and farmer passbook issued by local authorities after 15 days of registry of land in your name. Govt. giving subsidy for boring/pond
Nearby lands having all kind of crops such as peddy, corn, sesame, beans, oilseed etc.
Electricity is also available in nearby lands so getting a new connection is also very easy.
Location: Panna & Katni districts, Madhya Pradesh
Contact Genuine Buyers Only - Brokers strongly excused!
PM me for other details.
>>Nearest town and road will be sufficientAnil
Since you clarify that non natives and non agriculturalists can by agri land in MP, I would like to know the location of the land. Nearest town and road will be sufficient- this will enable one to look up on satellite images to get an idea of the land.
Also how much is max possible to buy ?
The land ceiling act of MP restricts max holding to about 12 acres irrigated and 20 acres dry land- Is this correct or is it possible to buy more ?
please provide me full details i am interested to take around 10 to 15 acer.