Agro Land For Rent
Dear Mr. Manor,
We are a very small group actively engaged in organic farming using a new product which is giving us excellent results.
We are also doing some trials in fishery, poultry,piggery etc.
We are looking for associating with people on a long term basis, minimum of ten years, as we will develop a proper farm on the land and show he farmers the results of our trails and products.
Please advise if you are going to the hold the land for a long term, as we will be developing the place for a proper pr esentation and this itself will take a couple of years, money and effort.
If interested please do give us an idea of the returns that you are looking for the land rent, a bit of your back ground and if you have a few person known to you who would live on the farm and develop the same as per our instructions. Development investments will be from our side on a phased manner.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Rajesh Manocha