Agri Land for sale @ pollachi

I like to know the location of this 100 acre in Udumalpet and also price per acre. I live in udumalpet so will be easy for me to have a look.
please reply me @ Thank you.

100 acre vacant land for sale at udumalpet
Metal road, hillside land, bore well.

with regards

Give me your contact number or give a call to me +919980401892 I am interseted in 10 acre coconut farm for sale in udumalpet
Water well, bore well with service, near tar road.

I want agri land in pollachi

Hi!, I want to purchase Agri Land in around pollachi. So please contact me +91 9791241214. Many thanks.

Agri Land Purchase

I am interested in 2.5 acre coconut trees or well with EB services in a 5L/acre budget for agriculture purpose. Please get in touch with me. (+91 9791241214). Many Thanks.

Dear Raja Sir,

Please share you mobile and email details. We are interesed in the immedaite purchase of 2- 5 acres.

Thank you

