I have a developed fertile land (3Acres பயிரிடத்தக்க விவசாய வயல் நிலங்கள் + 1Acre விளைவிக்கின்ற தென்னை தோட்டம், தோட்டத்தில் இடையேயான வாழை மற்றும் காய்கறிகள் பயிரிடப்படுகிறது), about 15 kilometers from Kumbakkonam, in Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu with water access and am looking to sell complete holdings or for Joint Venture options with established corporations or other large agri-operators. Since our family is based in the city, the JV partner will have access to the land, bring own labors and freedom to develop or cultivate. We (me & My Wife) are direct owners Clear Titled.
Located in an Orthodox peaceful village, with asphalt road upto farm.
Several Teaks, Mango, Moringa, Amla and many more trees are growing.
Suitable for profitable animal husbandry operations in a hygienic way.
Multiple seasonable vegetables and fruits were grown every year.
Irrigation infrastructure already installed.
Multiple bore wells with water table 8 to 16 feet level,
A farmhouse with all modern amenities for living and with flush toilet.
Permanent electricity connections and a free service Electricity Connections too.
Totally fenced and is a pious place.