I am a freelancer currently working on the translation and outreach of LEISA India Magazine of AMEF, Bangalore.

We want addresses of Small & Marginal Farmers who can benefit from our Magazine that focuses on LOW EXTERNAL INPUT SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL practices.

We would be very happy if you can help us land our magazine directly into the hands of poor farmers, particularly woman farmers.


Established Member
Dear Suguna,
It is advisable and appropriate to note that you should travel to villages to find personally. How can some one can assess as per your views to find people whom you want?

Within 50km towards any direction from Bangalore all whom you searching are available, why can,t to try a ride fro the same?


Senior Member
Dear Members,

I think its a great opportunity to respond to LEISA which is mainly focused on Organic methods of agriculture.

Also, please go through the website of LEISA and its an excellent source for newcomers to agriculture whether it be Poultry, Goat Farming as well as others areas like Horticulture etc.

I sincerely request the members to utilize and to help spread this message across small farmers.

Padmanabhan Ganesan

I am a freelancer currently working on the translation and outreach of LEISA India Magazine of AMEF, Bangalore.

We want addresses of Small & Marginal Farmers who can benefit from our Magazine that focuses on LOW EXTERNAL INPUT SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL practices.

We would be very happy if you can help us land our magazine directly into the hands of poor farmers, particularly woman farmers.


Active Member
Marginal woman famer

Dear Sirs,

I am a marginal farmer in Satara,Maharashtra.Details are as under:

Mrs Arundhati Talwalkar,
3,Ramacha Got,
hone: 02162-281717
Cell No.:9967548453
