8 Acres Gerbera,sliveroak,greenhouse at bagalur@40km bangalore@pay for trees



Well-Known Member
Extent : 8 Acre

Fertile red soil land

4 bore wells with ample water

gerberra cultivation goin on

Farm house

Labour sheds

Air codintioned packing halls

Big tank

Rain water harvesting Pit

Nearly 20 Varieties of trees

3 Acre green houses

fully drip irrigated

6000 teak

sliver 1200

mango 1000

papaya 100

cherry 500

bottle nut 10

Key distances:

Bangalore 40KM

bagalur 5km

hosur 18km

Beautiful farm land with sliver oak, Teak trees near HOSUR.
These trees were planted 10 to 15 years back along the fence and in the entrance.
This is really 'value for money' deal.
The farmer is not charging even a single rupee extra for the trees,
so you can say -
you are paying for the trees & land is yours (free)

