500 to 1000 acres in Tamil Nadu

We have 500 to 1000 acres based on your requirement at very good location in Tamil Nadu
Price: Below Rs.1,50,000 /acre. (negotiable)
Water, Main Road and Electricity available

Contact : Jemin francis
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I am interested, if the agriculture land comes in Bangalore to Salem route with good water source. It will be convenient Send me the details

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Please check the details below:

Total Area: 200 Acres land
Price : Rs.1,45,000/acre (Negotiable)
village : Puthupatti
Taluk : Vilathikulam
District : Tuticorin
just 8 k.m distance frm NH45B ( Tuticorin to Madurai)
40 k.m distance frm Tuticorin
80 k.m distance frm madurai Airport.1.30 hrs drive frm the Airport.

493 Acres land
Village: Melakulam village
Taluk : kamuthi
District: Ramnad
price : Rs.1,30,000 /acre
just 68 k.m frm Madurai ( via: manamadurai-paramakudi-parthibanoor-kamuthi)

1.total 2000 acres, RED SOIL
2.atthikulam village
3.thirusuli taluk
4.viruthunagar district
5.tar road on two site
6.4kmh from NH45B

1.2700 ACRS kundakulathur and papakudi village
2.sattur taluka
3.viruthunagar district
4.free electricity
5.red soil and agri land

2.thopalakari village
3.black soil
4.just 1kmh from state highway SH39

Other Locations are also available but the price goes beyond Rs,2,50,000/acre

Jemin francis


Please check the details below:

Total Area: 200 Acres land
Price : Rs.1,45,000/acre (Negotiable)
village : Puthupatti
Taluk : Vilathikulam
District : Tuticorin
just 8 k.m distance frm NH45B ( Tuticorin to Madurai)
40 k.m distance frm Tuticorin
80 k.m distance frm madurai Airport.1.30 hrs drive frm the Airport.

493 Acres land
Village: Melakulam village
Taluk : kamuthi
District: Ramnad
price : Rs.1,30,000 /acre
just 68 k.m frm Madurai ( via: manamadurai-paramakudi-parthibanoor-kamuthi)

1.total 2000 acres, RED SOIL
2.atthikulam village
3.thirusuli taluk
4.viruthunagar district
5.tar road on two site
6.4kmh from NH45B

1.2700 ACRS kundakulathur and papakudi village
2.sattur taluka
3.viruthunagar district
4.free electricity
5.red soil and agri land

2.thopalakari village
3.black soil
4.just 1kmh from state highway SH39

Other Locations are also available but the price goes beyond Rs,2,50,000/acre

Jemin francis

thanks but we are already negotiating for red soil plain land in sivagangai at around the same cost than those mentioned above

agri land for sale in salem

Dear All
We Have land in 50 Acres . its suitable for Agri Culture Purpose , Commercial Purpose / Industrial Purpose

Location- Salem to Dharmapuri NH
250 Feet From N.H of land

Contact me
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land at sivagangai

thanks but we are already negotiating for red soil plain land in sivagangai at around the same cost than those mentioned above

dear brijesh,

are you talking about the 2500acres at sivagangai? are you planning to take the whole lot? am also interested but not for the full plot. i need only 30acres. have you seen the plot? how's it? would greatly appreciate your reply.
thanking you in advance,
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dear brijesh,

are you talking about the 2500acres at sivagangai? are you planning to take the whole lot? am also interested but not for the full plot. i need only 30acres. have you seen the plot? how's it? would greatly appreciate your reply. my email id is adappa.vinod@gmail.com

thanking you in advance,

nopes I dont have that kind of money :)

I am looking for around 75-100 acres of plain land, the 2500 guy is not responding to any emails or replies to his original post

Hi Brijesh,

Thanks for your reply.
Even I have 150 Acres of agri land in Sivagangai for the price of Rs.1.40 lacs/acre (not negotiable).
But if you're interested in bulk purchase, we can negotiate the price then.

Jemin Francis


Please check the details below:

Total Area: 200 Acres land
Price : Rs.1,45,000/acre (Negotiable)
village : Puthupatti
Taluk : Vilathikulam
District : Tuticorin
just 8 k.m distance frm NH45B ( Tuticorin to Madurai)
40 k.m distance frm Tuticorin
80 k.m distance frm madurai Airport.1.30 hrs drive frm the Airport.

493 Acres land
Village: Melakulam village
Taluk : kamuthi
District: Ramnad
price : Rs.1,30,000 /acre
just 68 k.m frm Madurai ( via: manamadurai-paramakudi-parthibanoor-kamuthi)

1.total 2000 acres, RED SOIL
2.atthikulam village
3.thirusuli taluk
4.viruthunagar district
5.tar road on two site
6.4kmh from NH45B

1.2700 ACRS kundakulathur and papakudi village
2.sattur taluka
3.viruthunagar district
4.free electricity
5.red soil and agri land

2.thopalakari village
3.black soil
4.just 1kmh from state highway SH39

Other Locations are also available but the price goes beyond Rs,2,50,000/acre

Jemin francis

is it available by plot. i need 3 or 4 acre if o.k pls contact me
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Hi Brijesh,

Thanks for your reply.
Even I have 150 Acres of agri land in Sivagangai for the price of Rs.1.40 lacs/acre (not negotiable).
But if you're interested in bulk purchase, we can negotiate the price then.

Jemin Francis

yes interested in bulk purchase only and surely not at 1.4 l/ac, can you drop me a pm with your phone number please?

I have an agricultural land of 1000 acres which is at 80 km from Bangalore . Cost per acre is Rs.125000.
It is an agricultural land with all facilities like water, power, road transport to the main road only.It is single lot land with all documents.

If interested to buy , send us private message.

I have an agricultural land of 1000 acres which is at 80 km from Bangalore . Cost per acre is Rs.125000.
It is an agricultural land with all facilities like water, power, road transport to the main road only.It is single lot land with all documents.

If interested to buy , send us private message.

Which state does the property fall into? if it is Karnataka the not interested as there are lot of restrictions on individuals buying agricultural land, especially if they are not domiciled

if its TN then yes


Contact me


We have 500 to 1000 acres based on your requirement at very good location in Tamil Nadu
Price: Below Rs.1,50,000 /acre. (negotiable)
Water, Main Road and Electricity available

Contact : Jemin francis
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land in Pollachi

Dear Francis,

I am keen for max 15 ac, red soil, water source, 25km from Pollachi, road axis, near village, soil depth 2mts. if you have such land please send me the price, your email, contact address, will take discussion forward , my e mail is mavilasunil@yahoo.com
