For Sale 40 Gunthas of Clear Title NA plot at Dehrang, Panvel @ 5 Lakhs per guntha - NaviMumba



40 Guntha NA Plot available at only Rs. 5 lakhs per Guntha negotiable in Taluka Panvel Dehrang Village.
8 kms from Nere village Mahalaxmi Township and 15 kms from Panvel ST depot. Kaccha road access.
Adjoining developments are Farmhouses, Ashram & Bungalow plot scheme.
Scenic view and 1 km from Dam.Clear demarcated plot with single 7/12.
Amazing returns can be expected in 5 yrs.
Rates per guntha in Panvel proper are in the range of 40 to 50 lakhs per guntha.
Right now there is no building development in the area but minimum to minimum 30 lakhs per guntha rate can be expected in the next 5 yrs.
Great investment opportunity.
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What is the distance from main road and FSI contact

What is the distance from main road and FSI. contact
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