

Well-Known Member
4 acres fenced with two houses one tiled another 700sqft of concrete building well furnished
well depth 50 feet with 5hp sub motor depth is going on side bore done
2 borewell one 750 feet with 4hp sub motor fixed 1 inch water another bore well depth 350 feet
14.5 kva gen set diesal new one per hour 1.5.lts Diesel can run both motors
16 coconut trees & 130 planted
600 plaintain trees
applied Drip Irrigation worth of 2 lacks will come in a month time
52 x 37 cow shed , 23 cows can be accommodate now 6 cows are there getting 45 to 50 litters per day
two more sheds 52 x 20
paddy grass 3 lorries worth of 1,10,000
cattle feed 1000 kgs worth of 35,000
6 cows among 4 hf cost of 40,000 each
1 gersi 35,000
2 local cows pregnant of 6 months each 25,000
co green grass cultivated in half acre
kutrsan turkey make milking machine cost of 90,000 bought 3 days back

located Dharmapuri to Tirupattur road 12 km place called Ariakulam from there 3 km vaguthapatti our land situated in Poon cholaamman thottam

since i am the national co ordinator for Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
20 days i have rome throughout India i have 38 centre almost all states
if good & honest labours available to take care no need for sale because am getting 30,000 per month from milk
if i increase 20 cows i will get 90,000 per month .

what is your opinion

Dear Mr. Esa\war good morning,

Now what is your opinion you want to sale or maintain.
if u want sale that one, tell me how much cost of your deal.
let me know,
then we will talk further.
Thanks and Regards,
S. Sadiq

info required

Dear Eswarteumani please quote the price. Also inform when the site is avilable for visit. contact Thanks
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4 acres fenced with two houses one tiled another 700sqft of concrete building well furnished
well depth 50 feet with 5hp sub motor depth is going on side bore done
2 borewell one 750 feet with 4hp sub motor fixed 1 inch water another bore well depth 350 feet
14.5 kva gen set diesal new one per hour 1.5.lts Diesel can run both motors
16 coconut trees & 130 planted
600 plaintain trees
applied Drip Irrigation worth of 2 lacks will come in a month time
52 x 37 cow shed , 23 cows can be accommodate now 6 cows are there getting 45 to 50 litters per day
two more sheds 52 x 20
paddy grass 3 lorries worth of 1,10,000
cattle feed 1000 kgs worth of 35,000
6 cows among 4 hf cost of 40,000 each
1 gersi 35,000
2 local cows pregnant of 6 months each 25,000
co green grass cultivated in half acre
kutrsan turkey make milking machine cost of 90,000 bought 3 days back

located Dharmapuri to Tirupattur road 12 km place called Ariakulam from there 3 km vaguthapatti our land situated in Poon cholaamman thottam

since i am the national co ordinator for Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
20 days i have rome throughout India i have 38 centre almost all states
if good & honest labours available to take care no need for sale because am getting 30,000 per month from milk
if i increase 20 cows i will get 90,000 per month .

Dear Mr Eshwar, I am interested in buying. Please email me total cost at
Thank you
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40lakhs was final price ,including all cows,grass,instruments, +91-9966999193, house

Project report,lands for floriculture,horticulture,dairy farming,animal husbandary,fruit gardens for sale in karnataka,andhra pradesh,tamilnadu.
