25 Holstien Cows Wanted .




[Dear sir,

As you are based out at Mangalore and looking for good cows which could yield 30 liters I guess it would not be possible because the yield of animal are affected directly or indirectly through many aspects.

So if you want to have sustainable growth for your dairy farm first study the climatic conditions of your region and then match the same with any other prefered location of your choice. Not all the parameters would match but what we need to take care is heat and humidity if its more than bringing good cows at high price would not give out much.
As beginner it would be rather suggest able to opt cows from 3-4 locations nearby and study them for at least one lactation after that you could judge your choice and locations.

Cows yielding 30 liters / day is your current demand but the fact is these cows you would not get in market because no farmers could sell just good yielding cow. Hence you need to revise the figures as per current scenario in India an average yield of 12-15 liters/ day for 305 days would be good option because all will talk of high number of milk only for peak period after delivery and your target should be of 305 days total lactation cycle.

Few points would like to suggest as it would help in selecting good cows.
a) prefer to have yielding animals rather than pregnant animals.
b) if you want pregnant buy heifers which have not delivered single time.
c) look out for cows in 2nd / 3rd lactation avoid the higher ones.
d) Ask the dealer / customer with the eating habits , contents, feed concentrate etc try to give the same for initial stage later on slowly divert to locally available options.
e) when ever you purchase new animal do not mix them with existing stock as there might be chance of spreading disease.
f) build up shade for quarantine of newly procured animal and it should be away from current sheds the period of the process should be minimum 3 weeks.
g) Do not fall prey to huge size udders / colors / false commitment.

Thanks please feel free to revert for any queries.
