150 Tons Color Capsicum Production in 1 Acre

What is the approximate budget for one acre hydroponic capsicum cultivation including all the amenities without land? I have already sent mail long back till date I have not received any update, So pls send me details ASAP.


S Srinivasa Rao,

Capsicum in Greenhouse

Dear Sir,

Please provide the details how can we grow 150+ MT of capsicum in 1 acre. Price, Consultancy fee and other expenses.



need help for 2000 square foot roof. cost , time, and planning

i am planning to setup net house with very low investment. for capsicum and strawbery . also want to know investment and profit. my watsap no is 9044098360

Get millions of revenue by contract farming. Cultivate herbal medicinal product. Such as aloe vera, kalmegh, white musli, shatavari, chicory, brahmi, asalo, jivanti, lemongrass, basil and many more. Information will be provided from plantation to selling. Open the link below for more information. https://goo.gl/XVDeLC

I want to know about hydroponic farming in colour capsicum. May I know the rate for one acre without land for colour capsicum cultivation
