10people frm every state


I am P.sureshreddy from Andhra Pradesh, first of all i wish you all the success with your project.And im very interesting about agriculture,and very enthusiastic to know abt your project
so, please send me details and im ready to join with you
suresh reddy.p
Please contact........
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Dear Mr. Rajesh Patel,
i am from mumbai , i would like to join this venture and represent maharashtra.
plz. give me the full details for study purpose.

thanks & regds

pradeep rokade

Please contact........
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Dear all interested members,
Thank u 4 ur kind n quick reply. I'm very happy to get feedback from members.
We are leading company manufacturing pesticides, chemicals and Bio-fertilizer. we do sells our products in M.P., Maharashtra, U.P., Rajasthan through our widest spreading network of more than 26000 independent distributors.
We offer a platform to individual/group or company to work with us. for more details kindly contact by messaging.
Please contact........
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Advance wishes for the success of your project.Do enroll us and contact

Dear sir
i am ready to take this oppurnutiy we have four friends interested any of agricultural work like marketing seeding croping everything
reply me

Hello Mr. Amarjeet Singh ,
First of all I would like to thank to for shown your interested with us.

Let me introduce my self I'm Rajesh Patidar an MBA from one the prestigious institute of Pune. I came to know about this business right before four-five month. I earned a lot not only in terms money but also in terms of recognition, confidence and more.

I would like to introduce my Business proposal titled 10people from every state. This is one of the fast growing MLM in India. Have u ever heard about MLM of agricultural products. You might be aware about latest trend developing around the world n that is "ORGANIC FARMING" .This business provide u opportunity to work with almost 65% of Indian population and it is farmers. Indian economy is based on agriculture this business provide a platform to work closely with farmers. A fantastic opportunity waiting to be grabbed.

The concept pf 10people from every state in not only provide you a fantastic opportunity to work nationally but also to expand n explore new horizons of business. We are selling pesticides, chemicals & Bio-fertilizer in M.P., Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Orrisa and U.P. Now we decided to expand our network across the country. we therefore invite you to be part of this organization.

As you inquired about "10 people from every state" mission I'm very happy to explain further.

We are a sister concern of Allwin industries engaged in manufacturing of pesticides, chemicals and Bio- fertilizer, Instead of adopting a traditional system of marketing like appointing distributors, dealers, ad agency, huge expenses on advertising and marketing team we decided to find a new path of marketing where we do sells our products direct to customer and that is farmers.
Here we adopted the path of network marketing where we do business together. where we directly join distributors and give them opportunity to sponsor another one under his down line. This chain of attaching people runs upto unlimited depth.

Further detail on mail only please write me,
Please contact........
Thanks & Regards
Rajesh Patiidar
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Dear all,
I would like to than u all interested members. I'm very happy to get feedback from huge no of readers. please contact for further details. please write me at mail so that I could send u more details about business plan.

Rajesh Patel
Please contact........
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10 MEMBERS from each State

Hello all members,
We have an excellent opportunity to work in agriculture related business. what we need is 10 people from every state of India to work.
This is an golden opportunity to work full time, part -time as you decide.
people who have 4 D's [Dream,Desire, Dare and Dedication] only should contact privately.
Let's come together and open unlimited opportunities. u may contact please...........

I am Balasubramanian from Tamilnadu interested in this project. For further details contact me

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I am from Tamilnadu...please enroll me tooo........send me the details to

please contact..........

or provide me the contact number
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If u like to need to sell/buy related to lands,houses, u can find more information from this kovaisales online business directory for coimbatore real estate related information's.


Kovai Sales Team

Dear Rajesh,

Pls get me your contact details so that we will understand the project clearly. Please contact.....
We have a good marketing network in south karnataka.

Srinivas Naik
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Sir, We are ready to join this project, we are from maharashtra pl give details on my id please contact........
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4 D's

Hello all members,
We have an excellent opportunity to work in agriculture related business. what we need is 10 people from every state of India to work.
This is an golden opportunity to work full time, part -time as you decide.
people who have 4 D's [Dream,Desire, Dare and Dedication] only should contact privately.
Let's come together and open unlimited opportunities. u may contact please...........

hi iam suresh from tamilnadu.iam willing to join the group.iam already in organic product business and we sell high quality Vermicompost made out of cowdung.looking forward to hear from you.

I am intereseted

Hi Interested in the team that u r farming I like to be member. I have knoweldge of agriculture and there products widely,


I am from your home state- gujarat


I am from your own state gujarat. I would like to join pls contact or give me your id.
Please contact...
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Am from Tamil nadu...Am interested...we are agriculture oriented....May i know details regarding that...We are running coffee plantations...contact to Sree Shanmugam Estates
please contact......
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