
  1. R

    Fertile farm land 56acres very close to Sugar mills

    Farm land 55 acres, two sides Tar road with more than 1400 ft frontage each side, excellent water resources, big well, farm house, free power, 400 palm trees, Young teak trees and coconut trees Ideal for any purpose like corporate farms, plots/layouts, industry, schools, and colleges. Direct...
  2. B

    Consultancy for sugarcane growers: (100 tonnes per acre yield)

    Dear farmers, We, Vasumitra life Energies Pvt. Ltd, provide consultancy for increasing sugarcane yield to 100 tonnes per acre or more. Consultancy includes everything starting from land preparation to harvesting. The following presentation explains briefly about the same. This presentation...
  3. bharatbook

    Sugarcane Farming in the US

    This Industry Market Research report from IBISWorld provides a detailed analysis of the Sugarcane Farming in the US industry, including key growth trends, statistics, forecasts, the competitive environment including market shares and the key issues facing the industry. ( Sugarcane Farming in the...
  4. G

    Sugarcane Co-86032 Variety

    Dear Experts We are considering for Sugarcane cultivation near Mysore with Co-86032 Variety. Filed officers suggested this variety with healthy planting materials. He also recommended to use 3 buds cane for planation since we are cultivating first time. Please give me details on...
  5. A

    Sale of land in perambalur dist of tamil nadu.

    Dear All, About 400 acres of agricultural land, with good ground water resource and suitable for cultivation of Sugarcane, Cotton, Sunflower, groundnut, maize (makka cholam) without any bushes, levelled and ploughed is for sale. The site is in PERAMBALUR DISTRICT of Tamil Nadu and is just 10...
