
  1. S

    Solar Lantern with 10 hour backup for Rs 450

    Dear All, Greeting of the day from Jyoti-Solar! We are manufactures of High Quality Solar . Jyoti 4 Solar Lantern- Advantages of our Smaller lantern- 1. Our Lantern has 2 brightness settings Settings Number of Hours Brightest 6...
  2. S

    Solar Lantern for Rs 450

    Dear All, Greeting of the day from Jyoti-Solar! We are manufactures of High Quality Solar . Jyoti 4 Solar Lantern- Advantages of our Smaller lantern- 1. Our Lantern has 2 brightness settings Settings Number of Hours Brightest 6...
  3. S

    Solar Lantern with 100 hours back up for Rs 800

    Dear All, Greeting of the day ! We are manufactures of High Quality Solar . Jyoti- 7 Solar Lantern- Advantages of our Li-Ion battery lantern- 1. Our Lantern has 4 brightness settings Settings Number of Hours Brightest 8...
  4. S

    Solar Lantern with 100 hours back up

    Dear All, Greeting of the day from Jyoti-Solar! We are manufactures of High Quality Solar .We are launching Belgium designed Solar Lantern with 100 hrs back up. Jyoti- 7 Solar Lantern- Advantages of our Li-Ion battery lantern- 1. Our Lantern has 4 brightness settings Settings -...
  5. argosolar

    Solar Water Pumping Solutions

    Dear All, Argo Solar Private Limited is a Solar System Integrator providing rooftop power and solar water pumping solutions. Solar Water Pumping solution helps you become independent of unreliable grid supply from utilities and protect your farms through a reliable water source in the most...
  6. G

    Dealer required for solar product

    We are leading manufacturer of Mono Solar panels and we are looking for dealer and distributor for our products. Home Solar Powered Systems. ONGRID Solar Powered Systems, OFFGRID Solar Systems, Inverters, Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems, Solar Lighting Products, Lawn Lights, Lanterns...
  7. D

    Solar Home Lighting System - 4 hours backup

    Dear All We are Manufacturer of Solar and LED products Jyoti-Home Lighting System-2 Technical details are- 1. Solar Panel-Polycrystalline . 2. Battery- SLA. 3. Lights- 5 watt *2 LED Bulbs.(1 bulb=14 Watt CFL) 4. Controller with Charging and Battery Low indicator 5. Mobile Charging...
  8. K

    Solar Power System for Houses, Office and Educational Institutes.

    We are Tamilnadu based supplier of wide range of Solar products. We are doing installation of Solar power plant for Houses, Offices, Enterprises, Hospitals and Educational Institutes with Government subsidy across South India. International Standard and Best price guaranteed. HARINI...
  9. D

    Rs 450 Solar Lantern with 8 hours back-up

    Dear All , We are manufacturers of High Quality Solar Lantern- Jyoti 4 Solar Lantern- Advantages of our Smaller lantern- 1. Our Lantern has 2 brightness settings Settings Number of Hours Brightest 8 Brighter- 10 2. Compact and...
  10. D

    Solar Home Lighting System with 3 lights and 8 hours back-up

    Dear All , We are Manufacturers of High Quality Solar Products. Details of Solar Home Lighting System are- 1.Solar Panel-Polycrystalline . 2.Battery- SLA. 3.Lights- 5 watt *3 LED Bulbs.(1 bulb=14 Watt CFL) 4.Controller with Charging and Battery Low indicator. 5.Back up-8 hrs 6.Mobile...
  11. D

    Solar Fan

    Dear All, We are Manufacturers of Solar and LED products. Solar Fan- 1.Ceiling Fan –can work on both AC and Solar. 2.Solar Panel-Poly crystalline. 3.Operation Time- a)During day time when there is sunlight. b)During Night-4 Hours back up...
  12. E

    Solar Water Pumps for Agriculture Purpose

    We offer solutions to run existing agriculture and industrial pumps on Solar Energy and there is no need to change any pumps. Also in case there is no pumps existing, we can supply solar system along with the pumps. Write to us on "" for more details. Visit Welcome to Enolar...
  13. G

    Solar Product

    We are leading manufacturer of A" quality Mono solar panel. Dont hesitate to Contact us for solar related any query. GDSolar Home Solar Powered Systems. ONGRID Solar Powered Systems, OFFGRID Solar Systems, Inverters, Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems, Solar Lighting Products, Lawn Lights...
  14. S

    2 no's of 5 hp solar water pumping solution - Video & Details

    Dear All, We have successfully undertaken and completed 2 no's of 5hp submersible water pumping solution for one of our clients based @ Chennai. Details: 1) 5hp pump installed at 210 feet, distance between pump and solar system 400 meters 2) 5hp pump installed at 210 feet, distance...
  15. S

    Solar water Pump - Video of our recent installation

    Dear All, We just completed a 2hp solar water pump solution for one of our clients. Details: Customer already had a 2Hp three phase submersible pump running on Grid Power. We have added 2000 watts of solar panels & our 2Hp controller to the pump converting it into a solar pump...
  16. infsolar

    Now purchase solar panels through your credit card !!!

    Dear Guests, We are proud to launch our new online store INFINITESHOPPEE !! We now offer our solar panels, solar lanterns and solar home lighting systems on retail basis. All the products have been priced very reasonably in our new online store !!!! You can now safely purchase our solar...
  17. S

    For Sale Solar DC water pumping VS Solar AC water Pumping - Detailed Comparison

    Hello All, I would like to share few inputs regarding solar DC and AC water pumping with the forum here; This explains why is it better to convert existing pumps to run on solar; Factor Solar AC water Pumping Solar DC Water Pumping Cost Less when compared to DC...
  18. S

    | Solar Pump Converter - Retrofit solar with your existing pump! |

    Dear All, Just wanted to share a piece of information regarding our pump converter Current Scenario: Solar Panels are connected to the pump through solar pump controller Disadvantages - The pump runs at full rpm only when the solar power available is max which on an avg which is between 10AM...
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    Webinar On Solar Solutions 5th July 2013

    Dear All, First of all I thank the agriculture information team for selecting me and giving an opportunity for live webinar session on solar power solutions on the 5th of July 2013. How to attend this online meeting: Date: Friday July 5, 2013 Time: 3pm IST Location: Online Meeting via...
  20. S

    Solar Purchase Guide - Things to know before purchasing solar

    Dear all, Just wanted to share a brief purchase guide to know before purchasing solar. I hope you find this useful in your journey towards going green. Let me share with you what I can based on my limited knowledge: The bottomline in any purchase is to lookout quality, cost & proven...
