
  1. S

    sandalwood and redsandalwood seeds, plants

    we have organically raised sandalwood and redsander, karonda one year plants are ready to plantation. one year very hardned sandalwood plant 2feet hight with 6inch 2-4branches each plant 60/-rs. one year redsander plant 2feet hight each plant 60/-rs. one year karonda plant 4 feet hight each...
  2. amarendra_c

    sandal wood plants

    we have sandalwood seedlings for sale
  3. A

    Sandalwood Farming

    Hi I have about 2 acres of agricultural land in Madhya Pradesh (in the Narmada valley close to Gujarat border) with good water availability. I am planning for Sandalwood farming on this land. I have some questions on this, can anyone help? Thanks AGUPTA22
  4. K

    red sandal wood logs for sale

    Dear all i Want to sell Red sandal wood logs legaly with information like 1)Permision of forest dept i.e source certificate 2)% of red colour when compared to total wood 3) size =girth ,lenth serious buyers pls send private mail Pradeep
  5. A

    Sandalwood plants

    Hi Can anyone guide us on growing sandalwood plants. The issues involved, the returns one shuld expect and more importantly what kind of saplings needs to be purchased !!! And is there a supplier for them in Chennai area thanks anand
  6. J

    Organized Sandalwood, Organic Mango and teakwood Farm @ Rs 250 per SqYd - Vikarabad

    Highlighters: • Gated farming with in-house swimming pool and bamboo cottages. • Project being managed by renowned Scientists & Biologists having 40+ years of exp. • 300 sandalwood, 100 mango and 50 teakwood per acre • Project approved for claimable insurance of 4.5 crores INR per acre...
  7. J

    Want to be a Sandalwood Farmer

    Highlighters: • Gated farming with in-house swimming pool and bamboo cottages. • Project being managed by renowned Scientists & Biologists having 40+ years of exp. • 300 sandalwood, 100 mango and 50 teakwood per acre • Project approved for claimable insurance of 4.5 crores INR per acre...
  8. F

    Organized Sandalwood, Mango and teakwood Farm @ Rs 250 per SqYd - Vikarabad - Hyd

    Highlighters: • Gated farming with in-house swimming pool and bamboo cottages. • Project being managed by renowned Scientists & Biologists having 40+ years of exp. • 300 sandalwood, 100 mango and 50 teakwood per acre • Project approved for claimable insurance of 4.5 crores INR per acre. •...
  9. S

    we want yellow sandalwood

    We have requirement for yellow (white )sandalwood ,Its very urgent for making handy crafts,We will take live trees also,Please contact me if anyone have this.
  10. S

    Sandalwood seedlings of Quality Planting Material for Sale!!!!

    Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are the pioneers in quality sandalwood seedling production. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore. We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
  11. N

    Wanted Tissue Culture Plants for Sandalwood, Red Sanders, Pathimugam, Teak

    Please suggest a reputed tissue cultured lab which is supplying the timber plants for Sandalwood, Red Sanders, Pathimugam and Teak. I need them for planting in Andhra Pradesh near Hyderabad. Also can Red Sanders be commercially harvested in about 10..12 years time for Pterosibilin ? Please...
  12. S

    sandalwood seedling for sale

    Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are the pioneers in raising quality planting material of sandalwood. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demo plot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore. We Guarantee the quality of the...
  13. S

    Sandalwood seedlings of Quality Planting Material for Sale!!!!

    Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore. We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
  14. M

    need sandalwood saplings for few acres urgent,

    hi, i won 70 acres farm in pachaimalai,tamilnadu. ive decided to plant sandalwood over their in few acres. need an efficient sandalwood consultant and supplier of sandalwood. if so intrested pls cantact,chandrasekaran: 94433599six six & 99526339nine six sellers outside from tamilnadu are...
  15. S

    Sandalwood seedlings of Quality Planting Material for Sale!!!!

    Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore. We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
  16. S

    Sandalwood seedlings of Quality Planting Material for Sale!!!!

    Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore. We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
  17. S

    Sandalwood seedlings raised from quality seeds for sale!!!

    Quality Planting Material (QPM) of sandalwood seedlings and seeds for sale. Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood...
  18. R

    We help you to grow sandalwood!!- Consult Us

    NOW growing Sandalwood is easy.... with us. We provide step-by-step consultancy for Sandalwood and Redsandal cultivation. Government is encouraging farmers to raise Sandalwood plantations. The demand is growing continuously. Sandalwood growing fetches very good income. Contact us for 1. High...
  19. S

    Sandalwood quality planting material

    Quality Planting Material (QPM) of sandalwood seedlings and seeds for sale. Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood...
  20. R

    Sandalwood & Red Sandalwood Saplings

    Government is encouraging farmers to raise Sandalwood plantations. The demand is growing continuesly. Sandalwood growing fetches very good income. Contact us for 1. High quality sandalwood & Red Sandal seeds and saplings 2. Feasibility study for your lands for sandalwood plantation 3...
